Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
One of the most frequent challenges I encounter when working with new and established entrepreneurs alike involves overcoming insipid feelings of or a fear of sales. And it’s easy to be dismissive of this necessary but often misunderstood element of business ownership. Because at the end of the day, you’re dead in the water if you’re unwilling to communicate with temerity and unabashed belief about why you believe your services and products are worthy of people parting with their hard earned currency to patronize you.
And you might as well pack your bags if you haven’t developed the alligator skin required to overcome rejection, fears, and anxieties regarding whether your value proposition is superior to the competition. Or any consternation you may be experiencing articulating how you can meet the needs of another party.
The simple, curt response is get over it. And it's true, you must get over it quickly. However, also know that these feelings are natural, and there is a solution.
On the other hand you may be enthusiastically shouting to the rooftops about how great your products and services are, but you’re simply unable to gain traction or people are sprinting the other direction when you introduce yourself.
What I'd submit to you is if you're dealing with any of these obstacles, it may be simply a matter of improving your FORM.
First, we all have to understand that people ultimately won’t conduct business with you unless they like, know, and trust you. Gone are the days when sales professionals took a shotgun approach whereas you overwhelm people with a laundry list of features and benefits, and expect them to succumb to glossy power points, esoteric overviews, or Machiavellian sales pitches.
Because of the advent of the internet primarily, people can mid presentation pull out their phones, and immediately price, feature shop, and literally retrieve hundreds of alternatives to whatever you’re selling. Never mind, you may actually have the most unique, cost effective, and beneficial offering available. In today's world, people win frequently not because of their actual deliverables, but because of their veneer and marketing. And what they’re willing to promise may be more attractive than whatever you’ve cooked up.
People don’t want to be sold, they want to buy. And despite the growing dominance of online marketing and purchasing options, people still desire to spend or invest their monies places where they have developed a relationship of trust. The operative word being, trust.
I submit that the best way to adapt to this current dynamic is to adopt good FORM. And what does good FORM look like? FORM is an acronym for Family, Occupation, Recreation, & Motivation. Here's the thing. If you can extract information about a person's family, their occupational interests, recreational habits, and the things that motivate and keep them awake at night within the first 5 minutes of your interactions with them, they’re going to start developing warm fuzzy feelings for you.
Now, here’s the thing, people aren’t stupid. Intention matters. You need to be nosy, genuinely interested in them, and how you can help them to gain maximum results. In other words, rather than being focused on being interesting, turn your attention to being interested. If you want to know what good form sounds like, watch the video.
What are some of the benefits of this approach? FORM allows you to qualify individuals, ascertain whether they are your idea client or target market, or whether they have challenges you're best suited to solve. And because you are being genuinely inquisitive and helpful, the party on the receiving end is developing feelings of I like you; I trust you; I know you're here to help me. Taking this approach also allows you to learn about any emotional dissonance, potential objections, or negative exposure to your industry someone may have had experienced allowing you to them in advance.
Remember when people are speaking with you, they are unconsciously processing in their minds: am I enjoying this encounter; am I comfortable with this person; and OK with this person being introduced to other people I know. The quickest route to a destination is a straight line, and it doesn't get anymore straighter and profitable than having a business model that produces large numbers of referrals. To be purposely redundant, people refer others to people that they like, know, and trust.
One last area where most entrepreneurs drop the ball time and time again, is not having a WHY pitch. Why? Look, money is a means to get things done. It is the life blood of your business, however, it cannot be the sole purpose of your business. The uber majority of people are uncomfortable with unabashed greed. No one’s waking up and saying to themselves, who can I find to extract money from me today.
I lead with my WHY, end with my WHY, lightly sprinkling it in throughout my interaction and presentation with people. At the end of day, I want to attract, build relationships with, and conduct business with my tribe. Or another way of thinking about it is, I want to build a business network of 3000 fans. Ala Tim Ferris slash Kevin Kelly. I'm laser focused on resonating with and attracting people who are looking for what I’m doing, appreciate and value my services, and gladly compensate me for my deliverables. If you want to know what a good WHY pitch sounds like, watch the video.
For example:
I believe ardently that entrepreneurship is empowerment. If you’re tired of being last hired or first fired; become the employer.
If you don’t want to be stuck in a position whereas your ability to level up is predicated upon the next time someone dies or self sabotages themselves, or retires; constantly looking up at someone else's arse for a breadth of oxygen, politicking to be liked constantly..... Entrepreneurship is an answer.
There are two ways to vote. At the ballot box which is very important. Or with your wallet. If you desire to put yourself in a situation whereas you can afford the politicians you feel like you and your community deserves, entrepreneurship is an answer.
Entrepreneurs see things first. We live on the fringes, and seek solutions to pressing problems. Introducing solutions (value) into the ecosystem. And while everyone is not ready for entrepreneurship, we don’t need everyone to be one, just more. And we call can benefit from a more entrepreneurial mindset.
If you want assistance with your FORM, curating a good WHY pitch, or if this small plate resonated with you, and you want more! Like, comment, give me a shout out. Join the email group to receive notifications about my best stuff! Or you want to go a step further, and desire an initial free initial consultation? Check for me in the following links below.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
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LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
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Posted at 06:13 AM in Featured Articles, Good Business Practices , Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: business tips, catchjsbuford, communicating value proposition, fear of sales, overcoming the fear of sales, prospecting, qualifying prospects, resonance, sales tips, tribe
Posted at 06:48 AM in Featured Articles, Good Business Practices , Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: business development, business mindset, catchjsbuford, client relationship manager, CRM, entrepreneur mindset, entrepreneurship, how to use a CRM
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Writer @JSBUFORD
#successleavesclues #entrepreneurshipisempowerment #nextopposocial #smallbizarchitect
JuJuan Buford is a CEO, Co-Founder serial entrepreneur, writer, and public speaker. JuJuan started his career in the banking and investment advisory industry, transitioned into business ownership, and is enjoying entrepreneurial success in multiple industries: business coaching, real estate, direct selling, business technical assistance provider, ghostwriting, and publishing.
Phone 👉 888.549.9689
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Posted at 08:32 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
I know there are a number of people reading this whose initial response will be, why write about, talk about, or focus on the negative or the opposite of what our desired outcomes are as entrepreneurs? I certainly did, but these types of discussions are necessary because being successful more than anything else is often determined by the things you don’t do, the errors in judgment you don’t make, or the traps you don’t allow yourself to fall in, rather than the things you do.
And I wish someone would have really sat me down with me and mapped out the potholes, mental errors, and dumbapple decisions that could either blow up or seriously curtail my best-laid plans when I was younger. And to be balanced I wish I was more receptive, less sure in my youthful ignorance, more aware of my frailties, and more introspective of my feelings rather than being reliant upon my intellectual veracity. Being able and willing to take the time to question your behaviors, and observe if they can stand up to some fact-checking is invaluable. At the end of the day, if you want better results, asking better questions is the answer.
You’ve scheduled an open house or private business reception to launch your endeavor, and rather than picking up the phone and calling people, you’d rather send a gazillion text messages and turn your Facebook or social media page into an advertising billboard.
Your business mentor or someone who has achieved more than you as an entrepreneur in the particular endeavor you’ve chosen to invest your time, money, and sweat equity in provides you with a script that has produced a lineage of success stories, and you decide you want to wing it because you’re so brilliant or your people are somehow different than the other billion-plus people on the planet earth. The winning formula doesn’t apply in your case because somehow, the one hundred people you know are from Venus, and everyone else on the planet is from Mars.
You haven’t studied the playbook. Nor attended even two minutes of training. And you decide to commandeer a vehicle - let’s say a plane for example - for the first time, that can travel 660 mph and you’ve never run faster than 26 mph. This isn’t Hollywood. People rise to their level of training, not solely their level of desire.
#2. Not Understanding the Game You’re Playing
When you’re first starting out the goal is to inform everyone with a pulse about what you’re doing, because to quote Grant Cardone, your greatest enemy in business is obscurity. Your objective is to at minimum introduce your business to at least 100 people within the first week of launching. Especially, if you’re new to entrepreneurship or you haven’t amassed years of successful sales experience, resist the urge to run out and attempt to convince everyone about why your product or service offerings without assistance. Amateurs sale and professionals sort.
In other words, the bag is creating a tribe of people who trust you, believe in you, and are willing to tell other people about you. The bag is creating 100+ brand advocates who are willing to speak favorably of you in the marketplace. If people see value in your product and or services, are comfortable with the tone and how they are being introduced, and are able to leave with a good feeling in their spirit (whether they patronized you or not) about your mission and purpose, you've won. Remember, if your value proposition is real and it truly solves a problem, people will patronize you.
Most people have 100+ contacts in their phones. What's more valuable? Would you rather have them as a client, or be introduced to another 100+ people in a very favorable way? Of course, we want both, but you have to choose.
Once again, the goal is not to go out and try to convince your family, friends, and neighbors to support what you’re doing. Your #1 responsibility is simply to extend an invitation to people and give them the opportunity to learn about your product or services under favorable circumstances that allows them to make an educated decision. What are favorable circumstances?
#1. Allow your support team to help you invite and introduce your business to the public. Lean on the experience and know-how of successful entrepreneurs around you. Established professionals and entrepreneurs already know what objections to anticipate, and how to address them before they have a chance to germinate in the listener's mind.
The key here is to earn as you learn. Take notes, and ask questions following presentations to understand not only what is being said, but why. This is how you accelerate your learning curve.
#2. Give your prospects an opportunity to receive 100% of the information, as opposed to 50% from your limited perspective initially. By the way, your people know you are new to this. Most thinking, prudent people aren’t going to invest their hard-earned currency in someone that isn't proven. You want them to make a decision based upon their belief in the value proposition and the business model, not you. Else you will have to continually convince them to remain steadfast to a commitment they are not emotionally and mentally rooted in.
#3. Be enthusiastic about your endeavor, and if you can’t find that loving feeling, borrow it from your leadership. No one is going to be more thrilled than you about your entrepreneurial journey, and people make positive buying decisions at their height of need, hunger, or excitement.
#3. Failing to Understand that Entrepreneurship is Skilled Trade
If you’re still reading this article, it means you’ve at least finished middle school, have matriculated through high school, and more than likely attended some college. Meaning, you’ve participated in a directed learning environment for a minimum of 8 to 12 years, to gain employment at a job that doesn’t provide you the opportunity to live the life of satisfaction you desire for yourself and or your family.
If you’ve worked at Starbucks, McDonald's, Microsoft, or any kind of well-established organization with a proven business model, you had to attend some type of orientation, and participate in some type of training regimen before you deemed worthy of pouring the coffee, greeting the guests, or coding the software.
If you’ve worked a job or jobs for at least two, five, or ten years, working on average 40 hours a week and said job hasn’t transformed into an asset that can provide the income required to live the life of satisfaction you desire for you and your family….
For the purposes of this discussion, we are going to define an asset as a thing that generates revenues whether you get up and slam the nail, twist the screwdriver, or pull the lever or not.
Why would you expect that you’re going to build a business asset without giving 100% of your effort, whether it be on a spare time or part-time basis (ten hours a week); including time for ongoing education?
#4. You Have to Be Willing to Become the Person That Can Achieve Your Goals.
You’ve been trained from your first wail as a baby to conform to a set of carefully constructed norms and expectations that are all designed to keep you existing in a state of conformity, following lockstep in a narrative or soundtrack that ensures that you follow a performative script keeping you in the good graces of your peers, subordinates, and superiors.
Except there are no peers, subordinates, or superiors, it’s really just you. You and your dreams. You and your expectations. You and the soundtrack in your mind that informs you about yourself.
And while it is natural and a good thing to be empathetic to those around you. You’re in the entrepreneurship game now.
“We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” - Warren Buffet
In other words, don’t run with the crowd. In investing, the winners are typically doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. It’s not much different with entrepreneurship. Successful entrepreneurs stand at the end of the horizon at the world’s edge allowing us to see things first. We identify the arbitrage first. We curate and deliver the solutions to the problems or people's appetites better, more conveniently, and more often than not, first.
You’re going to have to buck over 157,680 hours of programming. It’s not going to be comfortable. There will be hunger pains. There will be headaches. There will be emotional strains. Eyes that have been conditioned in the dark hurt when used in the light.
You’re current thinking, learning, and ability have brought you to the place where you stand now. If you want different outputs, you’ll need to deposit different inputs into your life. You’ll have to become someone different or be OK with the alternative.
Here’s a huge insight. Never diss those who were there from the beginning, just learn to distance yourself from those who don’t aspire to have the things you desire and aren’t willing to pay the price you’ve committed to. And to quote the sage of Omaha again.
“It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.” - Warren Buffet
#entrepreneurshipisempowerment #smallbizarchitect #smallbizarchitecture #nextoppsocial
JuJuan Buford is a CEO, Co Founder serial entrepreneur, writer, and public speaker. JuJuan started his career in the banking and investment advisory industry, and transitioned into business ownership and is enjoying entrepreneurial success in multiple industries: business coaching, real estate wholesaling, direct selling, business technical assistance provider, ghost writing, and publishing.
Phone 👉 888.549.9689
Need a Business Coach 👉 https://bit.ly/SmallBizArchitectureSurvey
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Website 👉 https://thebufordco.com
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Posted at 08:29 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips, Start A Business | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: avoid these mistakes in business, building a successful direct selling business, building a successful network marketing business, grand cardone advice, personal development, self concept, social conformity, warren buffet advice
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
You’ve beta tested your product or service. People love you and they love your offerings. You’ve been able to consistently generate revenues and over the course of time you’ve created an approach that your clients appreciate. Matter of fact, you’ve become so effective you no longer prospect for new clients, you attract them.
However, you've taken your business as far as it can go as an individual. And in order to earn the revenues you desire, become influential, and truly impact people on the scale you desire you know you need to grow from a team of me to a team of we. The bright side of it is you know what you do works. But there’s a problem.
What you’re doing doesn’t readily duplicate. Unfortunately, your staff and specifically your sales staff can’t carry you everywhere in their back pockets and pull you out on demand. Lord knows if there was a way, you would have found a way to accomplish such a miraculous feat. And you may not have the capital to outsource your marketing and sales training yet. Or perhaps you’ve spent $599, $1,999, or $2,249 plus (gasp) on the latest, greatest training guru with little to show for it.
Here’s a couple simple tips or rather questions that have served me and my clients that can dramatically impact your marketing efforts and supercharge your sales team.
Or another way of thinking about it is, what is your signature worth?
One of the greatest, most impactful, yet simplest ways to improve marketing efforts and improve your sales strategy is to leave the customer feeling like they received more than they paid for. Add a guarantee on top of it, and you may be able to dominate your market for time.
I can remember when there was no such thing as a guaranteed delivery time by any restaurant or food establishment, much less a guarantee when someone could expect their food to end up in their hands or on their plates. I remember quipping about how oxymoronic the phrase “fast food” had become in my teenage years and early twenties. Let's fast forward to today.
Jimmy John’s became notorious for their “freaky fast” promotion, claiming the establishment could put a sandwich in your hand in less than four minutes. Dominoes guarantees if you are not completely satisfied with your Domino's Pizza experience, your monies will be refunded. In over two decades of being a very frequent flyer at Starbucks, I grown to anticipate after visiting a specific location several times, that the baristas will either know my name, or be able to anticipate my order and know my name.
Consider how effective providing greater than expected performance, coupled with a guarantee worked out and continues to work out for the aforementioned companies.
The capital acquisition space in the Detroit Metropolitan area is inundated with businesses, organizations, professionals, and various other entities promising to provide funding for small business owners. If you do a deep dive into their resumes, the extent of their wisdom and know-how can be attributed to having read one book and a handful of hours of YouTube. It is what it is. In the short term businesses often win based on what they can and are willing to market, rather than their actual deliverables.
QT Business Solutions is led by Tina Williams. Williams brings to the table all the prerequisite academic and professional accouterments you’d expect from a business planning professional: MBA., years of corporate training in the banking and finance industry for small business owners, and a successful owner and operator of her own enterprise. Williams is highly experienced and a proven commodity after over a decade of finding and securing monies for aspiring and established business owners alike. In other words, she has receipts.
It wasn’t enough.
With the introduction of a guarantee, her continual maturation as a business leader, and some consistent promotion QT Business Solutions has become a prominent fixture in the business planning and capital acquisition space, and her business is quickly becoming a household name in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. QT Business Solutions guarantees that as long as a business owner meets a simple criteria uniformly applied by most financial institutions, a client of hers is guaranteed to obtain funding, else their monies are refunded.
Your guarantees can be robust and boisterous. Once again, I remember when guaranteed delivery times were nonexistent, and for an establishment to do so was a big deal. Or your guarantees can be something simple, and nuanced in accordance with the tastes and sensibilities of your clients. It’s the consistency of the experience that matters. It’s your patrons feeling like they’re receiving more than what they’re paying for that creates the competitive advantage.
It can give your promotional stories stickiness and legs to run on in the marketplace. It can equip even the most novice sales professionals with an ace in the hole, providing them with confidence and most importantly, a consistent, duplicable approach to run with. If their presentation is shaky, and doesn’t necessarily inspire feelings of I like you, I know you, and I trust you, the guarantee can help overcome their shortcomings initially. It is what contributes to the building of your brand. And building a powerful, compelling brand is the bag.
Need a couple of examples? Consider the following phrases that can describe what someone’s signature is worth, and create your own. Write down a list of ten or as many as you can imagine. Then carve your list down to one (one is enough) to three guarantees. Remember, a confused mind does nothing, or makes a mess of things.
For example:
IS THERE MORE…..? Better believe there is. Per usual, there will be a Part Two with even more actionable content, strategies, and tips, accompanied by a video for those who prefer audio and or visual content.
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Because We Believe Sharing is Caring
A recent interview with Danco Sotirovski, of "Ask the Neighbor" and JuJuan Buford, CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group & Co-Founder of NextOppSocial, regarding how to become better at the goal setting process, and why having a goal achieving process is necessary to make it all work.
#entrepreneurshipisempowerment #smallbizarchitect #smallbizarchitecture #nextoppsocial
JuJuan Buford is a CEO, Co Founder serial entrepreneur, writer, and public speaker. JuJuan started his career in the banking and investment advisory industry, and transitioned into business ownership and is enjoying entrepreneurial success in multiple industries: business coaching, real estate wholesaling, direct selling, business technical assistance provider, ghost writing, and publishing.
Phone 👉 888.549.9689
Website 👉 https://thebufordco.com
YouTube 👉 https://bit.ly/NextOppSocOnYoutube
Let’s Connect 👉 https://bit.ly/JuJuanBufordOfficial
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Posted at 07:09 AM in Good Business Practices , Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: acquire more clients, ask the neighbor, building your network, Danco Sotirovski, goal achieving process, goal setting process, growing your network, improve you sales process, improve your marketing, jujuan buford, marketing tips, nextoppsocial, personal guarantees, scale your business, smallbiz architect, smallbiz architecture, very detroit
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Hanging Out In D! is committed to promoting culture, entrepreneurship, community activism, agriculture, events and happenings. And providing a space for Detroit's residents to celebrate, share ideas, engage in social discourse, and recognize the vibrancy and beauty of the African American community.
“Obscurity is a bigger problem than money." - Grant Cardone
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Posted at 07:05 AM in Announcements, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: detroit agriculture, detroit businesses, detroit community news, detroit entrepreneurs, detroit events, detroit newspaper, hanging out in detroit, hanging out in the d, promote your business in detroit
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
DASH -- .
Company Site > https://thebufordco.com/
Who is JuJuan Buford > https://bit.ly/JuJuanBufordOfficial
We believe entrepreneurship is empowerment, and provide content, information, and resources to help aspiring and established entrepreneurs launch, grow, scale, and thrive. To continue receiving vital and informative content, click the following link to confirm your email address and subscribe at https://bit.ly/yesthereismore
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Posted at 08:13 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: build taller buildings, business coach for creatives, business consulting, business continuity, business continuity management, business innovation, business startup, business tips for success, catchjsbuford, core focus, core values, detroit, detroit business, entrepreneur coach, entrepreneur journey, entrepreneur mindset, entrepreneur tips, entrepreneurship is empowerment, optimize performance, small business architect
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
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Posted at 05:50 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Are you an entrepreneur who wants to create a profile that wins on LinkedIn?
Your vanity stats are hot, but your kept appointments and client acquisition results are not?
Do people compliment you, set appointments with you, request more information about your services or products, but don't conduct business with you?
Do you desire a systemic, predictable way of finding, and better yet, attracting your ideal clients?
Do you want to know how to show up in your prospects inbox in a way that results in scheduled appointments that stick?
Do you desire increased credibility & growth?
At the end of this LinkedIn Workshop you will learn how to:
REGISTER AT http://bit.ly/LinkedInWorkshop...
I'm not a novice motivational speaker, or a consultant that has read one book, took a certification course, and watched one video, dispensing advice about entrepreneurship.
I'm an entrepreneur that builds businesses and helps others do the same. I've built a network in excess of 25,000 connections and followers organically. I average approximately 10 qualifying and closing presentations per week. And I consistently attract and onboard new clients and strategic partners on a regular basis. I accomplished this spending a handful of hours per week ( 5 hours on average).
If you desire simple, non time consuming approaches to create credibility, gain the attention of your ideal clients, and regularly take on new clients on a weekly basis..... I Gotcha!
REGISTER @ http://bit.ly/LinkedInWorkshop...
Refunds available for event registrations if cancelled by a day in advance.
Company Site >https://thebufordco.com/
Who is JuJuan Buford > https://bit.ly/JuJuanBufordOfficial
JuJuan Buford, Business Development Officer
888.549.9689 / [email protected]
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Information, Strategies, Tactics, & Resources to Support Businesses & Entrepreneurs @ https://www.thebufordcoblog.com/
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Posted at 07:26 AM in Announcements, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Why does your business exist, beyond simply making a profit? What do you want your impact or legacy to be in the world? What is your WHY?
Being able to answer these questions is important because it's hard to expend your life's energies on a compromise, and success is an inside job. There is not enough motivation in the world (books, podcasts, videos, seminars, etc.) to feed you and push you to achieve your best life. At some point, you have to identify the values, beliefs, and ideas that give you energy. You need to have a well to pull from that will propel you forward before the recognition; create accountability when people are not looking; and push you to be excellent before the rewards become apparent.
Answering these questions will also help you frame your value proposition to the rest of the world. They will help you determine how you show up at an initial meet up, at networking events, when you give an elevator pitch, and how you accentuate your value to the world via social media and elsewhere. They are essential to helping you attract your tribe: the business partners you will eventually work with; your ideal clients; and those who are willing to support and advocate for you when you're not in the room.
And just as important, answering these questions will help you stay focused on your focus. I've read that a light bulb and a laser use and produce the same amount of energy. However, the light bulb’s energy illuminates but dissipates into space. Whereas, a laser's energy is focused, and can cut through, chisel, and curate the environment around it. When you're flying from project to project, and you lack focus, you'll find very often that while the calendar moves, you haven't moved or progressed any further toward your goals.
Additionally, you are unable to resonate with your tribe, because people don’t know WHO or WHAT you are from day to day, and therefore you fail repeatedly to gain the traction (trust) and momentum (social evidence) required to push your business endeavors forward. There's a hidden inertia that exists in business, akin to pushing a 5000 lb vehicle. In the beginning, it's tough, but once the wheels get rolling you and those observing you may begin to marvel at how easily you're able to achieve progress. Inertia allows you to accomplish more, attract more, and invest more in your endeavors as opposed to being bogged down with the psychological strain of surviving day to day.
So, how do you begin? This is an abbreviated version of a questionnaire I typically distribute to clients who are in the start-up phase of their businesses or entrepreneurs who need a hard reset. The questions are designed to help you identify and answer the following questions?
And by the way, if you like the appetizer, and desire a deeper dive, complete this survey, and reach out to me using the contact information at the end of this article.
WHAT ARE MY CORE VALUES? One way to answer this question is to ask yourself, what are your key principles? What are the issues or matters that matter the most to you? What are the things you'd draw the line in the sand for? Fight for? Sacrifice for?
If you could describe the culture of your organization you’re building in 3 to 5 words what would they be? Take a moment and think about the professionals or individuals you respect most, and ask yourself what characteristics do they embody? For example:
WHAT IS MY CORE FOCUS? One way of answering this question is to ask why does my business exist? What is the purpose, cause, or passion? Once again, choose only 3 - 5 (less is more). For example:
WHAT IS MY NICHE? Or who do I want to serve? Be specific. What is the one thing you believe you can do better than anyone else? For example:
This condensed version of my business questionnaire should be a great start. And as always, I look forward to learning what is most important to you at whatever stage of your business you may be in, what you're taking aim at, and sharing additional information.
Do you have additional questions? Call 888.549.9689 x.101 or I invite you to visit my online survey and schedule a virtual meet-up.
And if you found this article and any of our content to be awesome, and you're feeling tipsy? Buy me a coffee!
JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner
888.549.9689 / [email protected]
Let's connect soon! @ http://bit.ly/JuJuanBufordOfficial
Posted at 12:56 PM in Featured Articles, Good Business Practices , Prospecting & Sales Tips, Start A Business | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: branding your business, building your tribe, business tips, catchjsbuford, core focus, core values, defining your why, entrepreneurship, establishing credibility, jujuan buford, regaining focus, small business architect, starting a business, staying enthusiastic
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Are you posting content on social media; adopting time consuming, money gulping strategies, and not attracting the clients you want?
Are you struggling with generating repeat business and customers? Would you like a proven strategy to increase the number of preferred customers you work with?
Your vanity stats are hot, but your kept appointments and client acquisition results are not?
Do you desire a systemic, predictable way of finding, and better yet attracting your ideal clients?
Do you want the right prospects to show up in you inbox that result in scheduled appointments that stick?
I'm not a professional motivational speaker or consultant that has read one book, took a certification course, and watched one video, entrepreneuring. I'm an entrepreneur that builds businesses and helps others do the same.
I don't kill it on vanity stats : likes, emojis, and views.
I've built a network in excess of 27,000 connections organically. I average approximately 10 qualifying and closing presentations per week. And I consistently attract and onboard new clients and strategic partners on a weekly basis.
If you're looking to become the most popular personality on LinkedIn or other social media platforms with vanity stats galore..... this may not be your cup of tea.
If you desire simple, non time consuming approaches to create credibility, garner the attention of your ideal clients, and regularly take on new clients on a weekly basis? We Gotcha!
Click the image below to register or......... Click this link to register.
JuJuan Buford, Business Development Officer
888.549.9689 / [email protected]
https://thebufordco.com | http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
Information, Strategies, Tactics, & Resources to Support Businesses & Entrepreneurs @ https://www.thebufordcoblog.com/
Do you have a story to tell? Learn more about how we help entrepreneurs promote their businesses @ https://www.nextoppsocial.com/
Posted at 11:12 AM in Announcements, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: building your network on LinkedIn, buildtallerbuildings, catchjsbuford, curateyourlife, detroitbusiness, detroitentrepreneurs, entrepreneurial ecosystem, entrepreneurshipisempowerment, fertile ground, healthy entrepreneurs, nextoppsocial, prospecting on LinkedIn, setting appointments on LinkedIn, skilledtrade, successprinciples, todaymatters
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
What follows is a redacted training from Sunday, May 24th at 3:00pm, Business on LinkedIn: Engagement, Branding, Scheduling Appointments, sharing effective strategies for establishing presence, garnering credibility, and onboarding clients on LinkedIn.
Take time to understand what your end user or ideal client is interested in; what they're searching for; and reflect on the type of content that would attract their attention. Understanding that people's favorite station is WIIFM (What In It For Me) is a reoccurring theme throughout this training. Inevitably sharing what you want your audience to know about you will waste a lot of time, energy, and currency, if you don't understand what they want to learn.
If you own a hair distribution company, and your products are high end. Ask yourself, where are my high end clients? What type of occupations do they have? Where are they spending their time online, whether it be for the purposes of networking or sifting for opportunities to level up? What are their habits?
For example. Womenpreneurs and women who are higher achievers in corporate america have both the disposable income, and are motivated to brand themselves as successful, well off, sophisticated, etc., etc., They are more inclined to invest in the veneer. I'd find a way to curate content that directly takes aim at this desire. Rather than posting a million hair product pics on Instagram competing with everyone else doing the same thing, especially if you don't have the capital to spend or access to influencers in the beginning stages of your business.
I posted an article that is a good precursor to the remainder of the content that follows regarding how to show up for prospective clients. It is a brief recap of advice shared with a creative entrepreneur looking to gain traction on LinkedIn.
Is your LinkedIn title a vanity project to show off how credentialed you are, or is it worded to let the world know how you may be of service to them. Remember to view your content through the eyes of your ideal customer. Jettison the idea that LinkedIn is your resume. LinkedIn is one of your landing pages.
Remember, you're not interviewing for a job. You're not a W-2. You're looking to attract a buying client, who is motivated to secure your services or products.
Ask yourself, which set of profile descriptions are going to attract the attention of a person who is primed to acquire a service or product from you?
Be a human being that is interested in the people you are marketing to. Be more than an instant sales bot. I've read some really good first approaches, and no doubt some of them work on a macro-level, especially if you have the budget to pay for mass advertising techniques.
It's like paying for 10,000 pieces of mail, knowing only 100 people will lay their eye balls on the contents, to land 1-5 good clients. If you have it in the budget to pay $10,000 to $20,000 to to execute this technique, and your average client results in compensation of approximately $10,000 it can work.
Remember, people ultimately conduct business with those they like, know, and trust. People don't like being spammed. People, don't know you yet, so you better get them to like you right out the gate. And depending if you've curated your title and summary correctly, and outfitted your LinkedIn page with plenty of third party credibility, they may not trust in your ability.
Don't show up like this during an initial connection request.
Try showing up like this instead.
Well, first off don't be weird or behave like a bull in a china shop. What do I mean by weird or obnoxious behavior? Read the following article, and peruse the section titled, "A MORE EFFECTIVE PROSPECTING METHOD."
Are you interested in additional insight regarding..........
What verbiage to use when showing up in people's inbox to lean in and ask for the business?
What is the thought process or philosophical mechanization behind these tactics?
Still trying to figure out what success looks like on LinkedIn for you?
Have questions about how many posts, how many connection requests... basically how much time and activity is required?
You want my sales scripts, language, or samples of my wording to set appointments that stick?
What does it look like & how does it sound like when onboarding new clients?
Want more direct assistance or coaching on how to build on LinkedIn absent time consuming, money gulping strategies?
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Follow him online here:
Posted at 04:06 PM in Featured Articles, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: building a brand on linkedin, building a linkedin profile, building credibility on linkedin, business tips, entrepreneurship, how to approach people, marketing on likedin, prospecting on likedin, social media presence
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
In this live chat Rachele Wilson, Digital Marketing Strategy & JuJuan Buford discuss how to present yourself on social media and discovery calls to turn those inquiring minds into paying customers. We offer concrete and actionable tips you can take away to establish yourself as a credible source, build up a referral system, and how to maximize your time on social media to make it work best for you.
About NextOppSocial
NextOppSocial is a weekly show that highlights the achievements of entrepreneurs and small business owners throughout the Detroit Metropolitan; providing an avenue for entrepreneurs to promote their businesses, and providing viewers with an opportunity to learn and draw wisdom from others who are achieving in entrepreneurship. A variety of topics are discussed on a weekly basis for the purposes of providing insights and actionable content to help entrepreneurs and small business owners level up in their respective endeavors.
Check out this episode @ Convert Social Media Followers Into Customers
Join us as we celebrate entrepreneurship; inventory life's lessons, #businessstrategies, #tactics, and #mindsets; and bring you sustenance for the entrepreneurial soul.
Tune into future episodes & join our mission! Learn more. Do more. Teach more. Collaborate more. Build more. Create success stories and help others build thriving businesses. Join us LIVE WEDNESDAYS @ 10:00am EST. at NEXTOPPSOCIAL ON YOUTUBE
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Follow him online here:
Posted at 03:32 PM in Next Opportunity Social, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: acquire referrals, client acquisition, Detroit entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial mindset, growth strategies, NextOpportunitySocial, NextOppSocial, online credibility, social media marketing strategies
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Follow him online here:
Posted at 01:41 PM in Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: acquiring referrals, catchjsbuford, endless referrals, entrepreneurshipisempowerment, find more clients, find more prospects, improve your marketing, increase your prospecting funnel, prospecting strategies
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
By Alejandro Castro | July 16, 2020
Having tools for quantifying a business’s health immediately available for a business owner to review and understand is critical to evaluate how the business is doing on a day to day basis. Specifically, online marketing focus and internet presence are an ever growing necessity, and understanding where a company stands allows a business owner to pivot accordingly in order to target a goal and grow.
Being able to analyze how a business is performing on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter will give you a better ability to understand how to change and adapt. And with GoSmallBiz, these tools are bundled together with other important benefits all in a single plan!
Setting up the different analytics instruments is easy and fast.
Upon logging in to GoSmallBiz, a user will be greeted by the DASHBOARD page. This not only is the home page, but also functions as a go-to for all of the vital information for social media and analytics down to the city a person is in and the weather. This allows for a business owner to quickly review the daily state of the business, check to see how they are measuring on website usage and also make quick updates to their media feeds or accounts.
(continue reading at https://gosmallbiz.com/its-on-the-dashboard/)
Learn more about how SmallBiz can help you reducing the expense of:
Conducting research
Acquiring more clients
Securing capital
Onboarding and retaining valued employees
Protecting their intellectual property rights
Acquire and review important legal documents
And making better tax, financial, and legal decisions.
View a quick overview here @ https://bit.ly/moreclientsgrow... & try out a demonstration here to learn more! https://demo.gosmallbiz.com/
Listen to a LIVE overview, ask questions, learn more, go further, go farther, grow smarter.... LIVE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS OVERVIEW
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Follow him online here:
LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
Twitter: @JSBUFORD
Facebook: http://bit.ly/catchjsbufordfb
Blog: https://www.catchjsbuford.com/
Website: https://thebufordco.com/
Posted at 11:36 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tags: branding, business consulting, client acquisition , digital dashboard, entrepreneurship, growth, marketing, marketing consulting, marketing on a budget, small business marketing, social media marketing
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
What follows is a redacted training from Sunday, May 24th at 3:00pm, Business on LinkedIn: Engagement, Branding, Scheduling Appointments, sharing effective strategies for establishing presence, garnering credibility, and onboarding clients on LinkedIn.
Take time to understand what your end user or ideal client is interested in; what they're searching for; and reflect on the type of content that would attract their attention. Understanding that people's favorite station is WIIFM (What In It For Me) is a reoccurring theme throughout this training. Inevitably sharing what you want your audience to know about you will waste a lot of time, energy, and currency, if you don't understand what they want to learn.
If you own a hair distribution company, and your products are high end. Ask yourself, where are my high end clients? What type of occupations do they have? Where are they spending their time online, whether it be for the purposes of networking or sifting for opportunities to level up? What are their habits?
For example. Womenpreneurs and women who are higher achievers in corporate america have both the disposable income, and are motivated to brand themselves as successful, well off, sophisticated, etc., etc., They are more inclined to invest in the veneer. I'd find a way to curate content that directly takes aim at this desire. Rather than posting a million hair product pics on Instagram competing with everyone else doing the same thing, especially if you don't have the capital to spend or access to influencers in the beginning stages of your business.
I posted an article that is a good precursor to the remainder of the content that follows regarding how to show up for prospective clients. It is a brief recap of advice shared with a creative entrepreneur looking to gain traction on LinkedIn.
Is your LinkedIn title a vanity project to show off how credentialed you are, or is it worded to let the world know how you may be of service to them. Remember to view your content through the eyes of your ideal customer. Jettison the idea that LinkedIn is your resume. LinkedIn is one of your landing pages.
Remember, you're not interviewing for a job. You're not a W-2. You're looking to attract a buying client, who is motivated to secure your services or products.
Ask yourself, which set of profile descriptions are going to attract the attention of a person who is primed to acquire a service or product from you?
Be a human being that is interested in the people you are marketing to. Be more than an instant sales bot. I've read some really good first approaches, and no doubt some of them work on a macro-level, especially if you have the budget to pay for mass advertising techniques.
It's like paying for 10,000 pieces of mail, knowing only 100 people will lay their eye balls on the contents, to land 1-5 good clients. If you have it in the budget to pay $10,000 to $20,000 to to execute this technique, and your average client results in compensation of approximately $10,000 it can work.
Remember, people ultimately conduct business with those they like, know, and trust. People don't like being spammed. People, don't know you yet, so you better get them to like you right out the gate. And depending if you've curated your title and summary correctly, and outfitted your LinkedIn page with plenty of third party credibility, they may not trust in your ability.
Don't show up like this during an initial connection request.
Try showing up like this instead.
Well, first off don't be weird or behave like a bull in a china shop. What do I mean by weird or obnoxious behavior? Read the following article, and peruse the section titled, "A MORE EFFECTIVE PROSPECTING METHOD."
Are you interested in additional insight regarding..........
What verbiage to use when showing up in people's inbox to lean in and ask for the business?
What is the thought process or philosophical mechanization behind these tactics?
Still trying to figure out what success looks like on LinkedIn for you?
Have questions about how many posts, how many connection requests... basically how much time and activity is required?
You want my sales scripts, language, or samples of my wording to set appointments that stick?
What does it look like & how does it sound like when onboarding new clients?
Want more direct assistance or coaching on how to build on LinkedIn absent time consuming, money gulping strategies?
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Follow him online here:
Posted at 06:14 AM in Featured Articles, Good Business Practices , Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: building a brand on linkedin, building a linkedin profile, building credibility on linkedin, business tips, entrepreneurship, how to approach people, marketing on likedin, prospecting on likedin, social media presence
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
What follows is an abridged (to protect the identity of the entrepreneur) overview of advice shared with an aspiring entrepreneur via email, deliberating about whether to start a business.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Desire a free initial consultation? Schedule Your Initial Consultation Here
Follow him online here:
LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
Twitter: @JSBUFORD
Blog: https://www.catchjsbuford.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nextoppsocial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catchjsbuford/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/catchjsbufordatyoutube
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catchjsbuford/
Website: https://thebufordco.com/testimonials/
Posted at 11:54 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips, Small Plates | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: banking relationships, business start up, business tips, catchjsbuford, crm, customer relationship manager, entrepreneurship, jujuan buford, legal services, LinkedIn, prospecting tips, social media marketing, tax & accounting
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Are you posting content; adopting time consuming, money gulping strategies, and not attracting the clients you want?
Are you struggling with generating repeat business and customers? Would you like a proven strategy to increase the number of preferred customers you work with?
Your vanity stats are hot, but your kept appointments and client acquisition results are not?
Do people compliment you, set appointments with you, request more information about your services or products, but don't conduct business with you?
Do you desire a systemic, predictable way of finding, and better yet attracting your ideal clients?
Do you want to know show up in your prospects inbox, that results in scheduled appointments that stick?
I'm not a professional motivational speaker or consultant that has read one book, took a certification course, and watched one video, entrepreneuring. I'm an entrepreneur that builds businesses and helps others do the same.
I don't kill it on vanity stats : likes, emojis, and views.
I've built a network in excess of 20,000 connections organically. I average approximately 10 qualifying and closing presentations per week. And I consistently attract and onboard new clients and strategic partners on a weekly basis.
If you're looking to become the most popular personality on LinkedIn or other social media platforms with vanity stats galore..... I may not be your cup of team.
If you desire simple, non time consuming approaches to create credibility, garner the attention of your ideal clients, and regularly take on new clients on a weekly basis? I Gotcha!
LIVE WORKSHOP > Sunday, May 24th @ 3:00PM EST. >
Register in advance for this meeting @ https://bit.ly/JSB_BIZSOLUTIONS_ONZOOM
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
A redacted recording of the workshop will be posted at https://www.facebook.com/catchjsbuford/
JuJuan Buford, Business Development Officer
JSB Business Solutions Group
248.560.7564 / [email protected]
https://thebufordco.com | http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
Share With Friends
Posted at 08:28 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: branding on linkedin, catchjsbuford, client acquisition, gaining credibility, jujuan buford, linkedin, linkedin prospecting, marketing on linkedin, scheduling appointments, vanity stats
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Vlog Version of Article: YouTube Version of Article
What follows is a grammatically incorrect mashup of a discussion I had recently with a professional in the creative arts industry: digital images, photography, and painting displays.
Question/Challenge: Individual is interested in launching his digital illustration and photography business. And was having some challenges marketing his work, converting sales, and creating the credibility required to convert interested parties into customers/clients.
My Response:
#1. The first thing I encourage every entrepreneur to do is take inventory of your title and summary on LinkedIn, and every platform you’re employing to build your business. And ask yourself, did I draft this to showcase who I am and what I’m about, or is my messaging designed to attract and tell people how I can serve them?
For example: Business Development Professional. Author. Public Speaker. University of Michigan grad. Entrepreneur.
Versus: I help entrepreneurs acquire clients, secure financing, make better tax & accounting decisions, and protect their intellectual property and legal rights.
For example: I am a business development professional with 20 million years of experience. I’m certified in SAAS, B2B, Logistical, Strategic Planning, Decorative Esoterics, and I’ve secured 20 degrees, and have a background working for human resource, staffing, sales management, and executives, and a top project management professional. I paint portraits, provide digital imaging, marketing pieces, and I’m a photographer attending Julliard.
Are you looking for beautiful artwork to decorate your home office, your living room, or guest room?
Are you looking for artistic backgrounds for your social media posts or online marketing presence?
Do you enjoy urban portraits/images of everyday life, highlighting working class/proletariat images?
Looking for sophisticated, contemporary imagery, banners, trademarks to promote your business?
Are you an art collector looking for novel landscapes, gritty imagery, authentic representations?
Do enjoy motivational content for your screensavers, coffee mugs, t-shirts, merchandise, etc.,
Or you could easily start each statement with, I produce, curate, provide…….
Which titles and summaries do you believe will result in your idea clients viewing and lingering on? The “For Examples” or the “Versus”?
Especially, if you’re an entrepreneur, you want to think of your social media presence more like a 30 second elevator pitch, thinking about your social media account, specifically LinkedIn account like a landing page, or this is how I can be of service to you. You may be the most wonderful person on earth, but people don’t typically care about you, until they know how much you care about them. People want to know what’s in it for me?
*Remember, people are sifting through social media profiles a mile a minute. And on LinkedIn people are typically not sifting for entertainment, they are on LinkedIn for a purpose. To acquire a job; to hire someone; or to invest in something or someone to serve a need.
#2. How Are You Showing Up? Years ago, one of my Nigerian clients and friends, shared with me, “You have to be fat Mr. Buford. You have to be fat.” He later explained to me that being fat in Nigeria, specifically if you’re a man, means you’re eating good, living good, you’re established you’re comfortable.
So what does fat mean on LinkedIn. Businesses, entrepreneurs, high compensated professionals (people who have disposable incomes, fat people) want to do business with other fat people. In other words,....
Fat Suggestion #1. Where is your business structure? LLC, S-Corp, etc., And if someone does business with you, where are your contracts, non-circuments, confidentiality agreements, MOUs, etc., etc., Learn what documents should you have in place and how they serve you > Business Origination Documents
Fat Suggestion #2. Where are your letters of recommendation or testimonials speaking to your expertise, the impact you’ve made in other people’s lives, or even positive comments left by others via email (acquire their permission), or somewhere online. I, nor anyone else, is going to say anything negative about their services and or products. Third party evaluations are critical.
In other words if you are a creative, ask all of your previous customers, including family, friends, mentors, etc., for positive, genuine feedback.
Fat Suggeston #3. Hurry up and acquire a website! For a couple reasons. Today, most people are going to learn about you via social media. They’re going to make up their minds whether they like you, feel like they know you (more on this in a minute), or trust you based on your content. Your website is your business card so to speak. It lets people know you’re an adult. You’ve taken the time to invest in your online presence.
Your website doesn’t need to look like you spent like NASA on it. Just like years ago, you really didn’t need to spend a million dollars on your business cards. Presentable, answers the question, what do you do?
Also, always, always, always remember this. You don’t own the real estate on FB, Gram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc., etc. People get locked out of their accounts everyday. People are making these decisions. Don’t think for a minute that politics, economics, or self interests don’t enter into the equation. Don’t learn the hard way, that you need to be funneling people to some landscape that you own.
Imagine, waking up one day, and you’ve lost access to over 500, 1000, 3000, 10,000, 20000 contacts. And you didn’t have a system to collect their contact information, or a place for them to find you.
Concerned about the budget to establish a fatter online presence. I gotcha. Watch this > Starting your Business on a Beer Budget. What is a good tool for DIY people, where you can get the biggest bang for your buck? > https://demo.gosmallbiz.com/website-builder-2/ I personally swear by this tool, and full transparency. I market this service. Ask me about it.
#3. Post content intentionally that establishes you as an SME. Be the art expert. Talk about art. Talk about artists. Talk about the type of art you enjoy. Talk about your process. Showcase your B to B+ work, and let people know that it may be your B, to B+ work. People with 5 Star tastes and sensibilities will be drawn to your content, connect the dots, and ask for or seek your A+ work.
Your content should create resonance with your target market, ideal clients. People who love art, appreciate artists, value creative expression, who have disposable income. And of course we can niche down even further with this, but you get the point. If you’re courting this crowd, and you are posting content that resonates, you don’t need a million clients. Ten to twenty regularly purchasing clients will help you have a proper launch. Build up to 30-50 regularly buying clients (remember business owners, are collectors, marketing companies, people who love art….). And you’re business deposit account will tell you you're winning.
Mainstreet does not care about your degree. Academia cares about your degree. Your professional colleagues care about your degree. Your fellow W-2s care about your degree. Mainstreet cares whether or not you can deliver. Execution my friend. Post content that places on full display your ability to EXECUTE.
After you’ve accounted for 1, 2, 3, here is #3.5. Your audience and I, want to know your story, your why, where are you drawing inspiration. Why did you choose to be an artist? When you’re creating, what is stoking your fire. Assuming your art is good or to be more appropriate you’ve put in or your puttinging in your 10,000 hours to be practiced at doing you. Find ways to add context to your work, and context to you. People are looking for emotional resonance, and connection, especially now.
Find ways to sprinkle your story in. Art buyers, acquire art as much for the stories behind the art, as anything else.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Desire a free initial consultation? Schedule Your Initial Consultation Here
Follow him online here:
LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
Twitter: @JSBUFORD
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nextoppsocial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catchjsbuford/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/catchjsbufordatyoutube
Posted at 03:15 PM in Prospecting & Sales Tips, Small Plates | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: acquiring more clients, business tips, conversion, creating credibility, creatives, credibility, engaging your target market, entrepreneurship, LinkedIn, marketing, online presence, recommendations, testimonies, third party, web presence, website
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Good Morning,
As you’ve hopefully noticed, I am always looking for new ways to help people level up, whether you are transitioning into entrepreneurship or if you’ve been established for some time, and you’re looking to simply gain an edge on your competition.
Whether it’s providing access to tools and resources like Small Business Services; vlogs from entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs - Next Opportunity Social - to assist you with informative, actionable content to help you achieve immediate results; or long form content, insights, articles, vlogs, and kick you in butt motivational posts at CATCHJSBUFORD….what I like to refer to as entrepreneurial soul food to help refocus, energize, and ensure constant learning. Or for those who desire direct action, right now marketing and prospecting results, individually or as a team, I introduced Project 3000, a no holds barred training program to build your network of prospects, acquire endless referrals, and convert contacts into clients.
And I know enough to know that I don’t know everything about you, and what I’m doing isn’t enough. The only thing that we can be certain of, is that the pandemic has changed our realities forever, and thus new and different approaches will be required.
As the organization continues to grow, relationships continue to be built, our ability to influence the entrepreneurial ecosystem expands, and larger initiatives continue to be introduced, I want to be sure that we are providing exactly what you need. I want your voice included at the table regarding our present and future endeavors.
I’ve created a brief questionnaire to help identify what matters most to you, what challenges and issues you are facing, what you want to learn, and what resources you want available to you. It’s most multiple choice, and I’ll be using your answers to determine what resources we create next.
Also, I invite you to make suggestions, comment, and ask questions at CATCHJSBUFORD on FB. And remember we eat positive feedback and critiques like skittles. So no need to be shy.
I believe entrepreneurship is empowerment. The impact of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem is apparent at every level in our communities, nationally, regionally, locally, and in our households. And while everyone may not be ready to make the leap, everyone can benefit from a more entrepreneurial mindset.... and we simply need more.
So, are you willing to help me help you?
Click here to complete the questionnaire > https://bit.ly/protectgrowscalequestionnaire
Thank you in advance for doing this.
JuJuan Buford, Business Development Officer
248.560.7564 / [email protected]
https://thebufordco.com | http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
Learn More About Projects, Articles, Events, & Other Really Cool Stuff We're
Working On to Support Entrepreneurs @ https://www.catchjsbuford.com/
Posted at 10:16 AM in Announcements, Good Business Practices , Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: catchjsbuford, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurshipisempowerment, growth, JSB Business Solutions Group, level up, pandemic
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
YouTube Version of Article: https://youtu.be/lOOEg0ol0Yw
As COVID-19 continues to sweep across the United States, claiming lives and the financial solvency of households across the country, the growing comparisons to 2008 are more than appropriate. The combination of soaring unemployment, stock market volatility, the inevitable descent of the GDP, coupled with increasing sense of helplessness is enough to smother even the most ardent optimist.
Some would argue what makes 2020 fundamentally different is that the collapse of the U.S. economy is due to an external factor, as opposed to structural frailties; leading some to posit that when the virus recedes the economy should recover quickly. It's quite a whimsical narrative...if not for the disheartening state of affairs.
In many corners, this overlying narrative is being met with great cynicism. If you were to take a cursory look at those fomenting this thinking, they tend to be the same individuals waxing poetic about flipping the pandemic on its head as an opportunity for self care or a kind of pseudo-vacation allowing for some much needed pampering.
The reality is the pandemic may be more psychologically debilitating than the recession of 2008, because of the inability of those who had scant time or resources to even conceive of a vacation before COVID-19, aren’t able to hustle, acquire side gigs, or pivot as easily due to the physical distancing and the general quarantine being required of citizens. These conditions have served to shine a bright light on the extent that a supposedly robust economy wasn’t serving everyday citizens, but I digress.
Given the aforementioned, should entrepreneurs simply give up, put their heads in the sand, and ride the pandemic out? Reads insane as a type this… Staying put is not what entrepreneurs do, and during these trying times, the nation needs the vigor, restlessness, and fanatical problem solving idiosyncrasies of entrepreneurs more than ever. So what is the most appropriate response?
DOUBLE UP on promoting and marketing your business. The typical response of most small business owners is to pull back, cut all expenses, and hoard as much as their resources in their man and woman caves as possible. And that is what creates the opportunity. At the end of the day we are all competing for the attention and disposable incomes of the public. Turn up the volume while the competition is sleeping. So, how can you ramp up your marketing and business development efforts without coming off as offensive or exploitative? Begin with the end in mind (serving others) by taking the following steps.
1. Find ways to ask or survey your clients and prospects to uncover and understand what their most pressing needs are. And ask yourself, how can I either meet the need directly, or connect them with the resources they desire?
2. Cut your prices and find areas whereas you can add value for free or very, very inexpensively. In other words if you typically charge $200 an hour for your consulting services, you may need to dial it down to $100 an hour.
If you’re in the business of delivering cakes or chocolate covered, berry flowers and decorations, take orders at a steep discount with the promise to deliver once the virus containment measures are relaxed. Send people a picture of their anticipated delivery, or a short 30 second video recorded on your phone thanking them for continuing to patronize you.
Here’s the thing. You’re going to have to start cold calling again. Sending thoughtful, well timed email campaigns again, including individual emails. You’re going to have to spend late nights responding to every social media like, share, and comment again. In other words you’re going to have to take on a greater volume of clients to offset the losses of charging less.
Is it going to hurt? Yes, it’s going to hurt. Do it anyway. Now is the time to sprint!
3. Spend more time sifting for mutually beneficial relationships, specifically with those who are in your industry. This may not be an option for some, but lets take the real estate industry for example. There are some real estate professionals who are much more effective at bird dogging and prospecting than others. They just have a knack for engaging people and uncovering opportunities better than others.
There are some professionals who are better at qualifying, being empathetic and uncovering the needs, wants, and dreams of others. They are able to quickly and thoroughly tickle others’ heart strings, gain trust, and communicate in such a way whereas even the most difficult decisions and solutions feel right as rain.
And then there’s the bean counters. They can quantify the value prop in seconds, and quickly deduce whether a buying or selling decision is profitable or punitive. Oftentimes, these same individuals may be particularly adept at identifying creative or unconventional terms that serve the needs of buyers and sellers.
Very rarely do you find professionals with all three traits. In other words, be aware of where your peers are weak or disadvantaged, and find ways to serve them. Depressed economies tend to depress egos. In other words don't be surprised by the willingness of individuals to entertain affiliate relationships or partnerships, who may have previously blown you off. Remember the goal is to win.
4. Cut expenses, but remember you can’t cut yourself out of a financial hole. At some point you have to find, create, and manufacture new opportunities. You must continue to take on new clients. Or at the very least finds ways to engage and service your already existing clients. And yes again, continue to take on new clients.
Think about your dollars metaphorically like soldiers. Ideally, you want to send your soldiers into the field to secure resources, tools, skills, and return back to base after having captured additional soldiers.
You still have to make smart legal, financial, and marketing decisions. You still have to find ways to market your business even more so. Make cuts and reduce your overhead, but don’t be so draconian about it that you cripple yourself. In other words be willing to embrace the ugly duckling stage of your business (before you could afford the secretary, one thousand dollar suits, twenty dollar lattes, and the $2,000 to $5,000 per month office space), and be creative about finding services that still allow you to function intelligently.
I’m a huge fan and an affiliate of cost effective services like SmallBiz; which helps small business owners to conduct research, acquire clients, become loan ready, protect their intellectual property rights, navigate their estate planning needs, reduce operating expenses, and make better tax, financial, and legal decisions. Click the link to learn more.
5. Take this time to reflect on the things you need to learn or skills you need to acquire. I’m not a social media guru, and I don’t enjoy the best vanity statistics across any platform. However, I regularly take on clients and establish new business relationships on a weekly basis due to my social media presence. And I decided today to learn Pinterest. I'm sure my partner in grow giving and digital marketing strategist, Rachele Wilson, will be happy to hear this news.
If you’re a writer, perhaps it’s time for you to invest in the Well Fed Writer, the Writer's Market, or a grant writing book. Here’s a huge, huge clue. The moment this pandemic subsides there's going to be a significant outpouring of monies in the private and non profit sectors of the economy geared towards entrepreneurship and small business development. There will be no shortage of work for those who can write winning grants, business plans, and proposals.
Money doesn’t disappear. It just changes hands. Get on the right side of the fence, meaning you may have to make a hard, dramatic pivot. If you're business is reliant upon new home purchases, now is the time to focus your attention on residential and commercial refurbishment and cleaning services instead. Mortgages will need to be refinanced. The Cannabis industry. Grief and psychological clinics will thrive. Keep in mind, there are some industries and investment opportunities that are recession proof.
6. Focus squarely on the things you can control, mainly your attitude. The pandemic is going to end, and the goal should not be simply to simply survive, but find ways to thrive during this unfortunate period. And depressed, strained, and stressed minds don’t make good decisions.
Turn off the television and constant social media feeds clamoring about the end of the world. Find a podcast, a book, or social circle that is focusing on the things that can be done to emerge stronger or more fortified than before.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
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Posted at 09:44 AM in Featured Articles, Next Opportunity Social, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: 2008 recession, business strategies, business tips, COVID-19, entrepreneurship, growing your business, legal assistance, marketing, pandemic, positive attitude, prospecting, relationship building
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
IS THERE MORE? YES! Join my email group to receive my best stuff!! Continue to Learn & Grow
Desire a free initial consultation? Schedule Your Initial Consultation Here
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Posted at 07:15 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips, Start A Business | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: business tips, client relationship manager, customer relationship manager, endless referrals, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurshipisskilledtrade, intellectual property, marketing, mindset, professional writer, publishing, sales, samuel jackson, skilled trade, writing
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Audio Prospecting Training > CATCHJSBUFORD - Episode 52
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I believe entrepreneurship empowerment. The impact of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem is apparent at every level in our communities, nationally, regionally, locally, and in our households. And while everyone may not be ready to make the leap, everyone can benefit from a more entrepreneurial mindset.... and we simply need more.
I started this site out of belief that change can occur when people are equipped with the tools to exercise agency in their lives. And what better way to curate a life of satisfaction and fulfillment, than to build an enterprise/s that allow you to spend more time doing things that edify you, give you energy, and provides the means to live a purpose driven life.
As usual we’ll be sharing some actionable content to help fellow entrepreneurs and listeners to level up. The topic I’m going to be covering today involves a prospecting strategy I learned approximately 20 years ago, and have applied periodically throughout my entrepreneurial journey; when I’ve needed to quickly build up my prospecting funnel, break into new markets, or when I’ve felt kinda of stale or dead in the water.
Whether you’re a new to prospecting and sales or an experienced professional or entrepreneurial this is a strategy has served me well, and others who’ve adopted this approach.
Read the full article @ https://www.catchjsbuford.com/2019/12/lessons-learned-from-the-how-to-grow-from-0-prospects-to-over-3000-referrals-in-3-months-workshop.html
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Follow him online here:
LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/linkedinpublicprofilejujuanbuford
Twitter: @JSBUFORD
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catchjsbuford/
YouTube: http://bit.ly/catchjsbufordatyoutube
Posted at 08:47 AM in Featured Articles, Next Opportunity Social, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: acquire referrals, build your network, catchjsbuford, entrepreneurship, find more prospects, networking, prospecting, sales training
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
You have a proven product or service, you're fine-tuning your elevator pitch, and as a result of your prospecting strategies you’ve reached a point where the stress of balancing making dials, staying relevant via social media, and meeting the right prospects (I’ll elaborate) is starting to feel overwhelming. At the end of the day, there are so many hours available to spend between making 20, 50, or 100 dials, giving presentations and servicing your customers, and managing all the other stuff that is required to keep revenues coming in.
What you really want is to meet more ideal prospects, make them happy clients, and acquire more leads. The aforementioned will allow you to upgrade your capacity (hire better people) to offer more or upgraded services, increasing your value proposition, allowing you to increase your prices, ultimately allowing you to enjoy increased cash flow. In other words, create a more systemic approach to finding and engaging ideal clients.
How can a good customer relationship manager (CRM) help you achieve all of the aforementioned?
One of the greatest benefits of a CRM is it helps you identify who and where your focus should go. At some point, we have to begin to identify who our ideal customer is, and thus curate our marketing and prospecting strategies to attract our ideal prospect. What do I mean by this?
(A) Prospects = Prospects that are already very much motivated to buy what you're offering; have enough disposable income to easily afford the 5 Star treatment, and appreciate your professional approach.
(B) Prospects = Prospects that require some education regarding how conducting business with you can improve their lives; have disposable income, and arrive on time for the appointment.
(C) Prospects = Prospects that need or require your assistance, but choose to wait until the the brake pads are whittled down to nothing, the engine light is blinking, the car is spewing steam into the atmosphere before they make a decision. Working with them might cost you more than you're going to earn (it's a non-profit endeavor, almost every time), and their arriving on time would be a good start.
In an ideal world, you want to spend the majority of your efforts and resources contacting and engaging your (A) prospects or what many refer to as your buyer persona. If you’re still waking up in the morning and calling from a legal pad, prospecting worksheets, or an email list, after you get beyond 100 contacts it is imperative that you switch to a more systematic approach. Making this transition will also better help you track where people are in the sales process: how many times has this person been exposed to what you're offering; how many times you've asked for their business; when did they ask you to follow up; and when did you set the appointment to onboard them as a customer.
Let’s use an example of two salon owners. Salon Owner #1 sends text messages and periodic emails highlighting special discounts, appointment reminders, and general advertisements to their list of customers. Here’s the thing. If most business owners just took the time to do this alone, it would result in a dramatic increase in sales activity. Ultimately, you want to be top of mind as much as possible, so when someone is ready to make a buying decision, they think about you first.
Salon Owner #2 does all the aforementioned, and actually takes the time to leave a personalized voicemail or message wishing their clients happy birthdays. And yes, Facebook does track birthdays, but everyone is not actively engaged on FB. They also track the wedding anniversaries of their clients, and or the anniversaries of their client’s businesses. How about the spouse? How impactful would it be if you sent a small gift certificate to your client’s favorite restaurant, book store, or hobby store every now and again?
In other words, the customer isn’t just receiving a phone call only when you need to drum up business, or as a reminder to spend their hard-earned currency with you again. When you add this seemingly insignificant practice, your clients begin to welcome your call, because they know it may be about something other than buying your wares. I still remember the first and last time a business owner sent my daughter a birthday card after I patronized him. It was followed shortly thereafter by a gift card to my favorite bookstore at the time, and thereafter a birthday card for me. Despite the annoying commute, and his prices being higher than some of his competition, almost twenty years later I still patronize his establishment.
You’ve religiously committed to making 50 to 100 dials a day. You’ve spent nights responding to every Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn inbox, share, and comment. You respond to email inquiries and requests religiously. Yet, you’re setting less appointments, giving less presentations, your closing or conversion ratio is dipping, and you're growing mentally fatigued of rescheduling appointments and hearing “please call me later.”
This is a sure sign that you’re falling victim to an internal bias,....you’re calling the same people. More than likely, you’ve stopped filling your prospecting funnel with new contacts, and you’re falling victim to hearing the sweet sound of familiar voices. Employing a CRM keeps you honest, because it allows you to track the number of times you've reached out to someone, and provides clarity regarding who is an A, B, or C prospect.
Yes, have a Top 10 hot prospect list. But also remember depending on the service or product you’re marketing, there is a pool of 300 million people in the U.S. market alone, and everyone knows someone. As a general rule, you should ask for the sale 7 times, and attempt to make contact 7 times. After the first attempt to reach them verbally, I may call back the following day. Then I may follow up via voicemail or text 2 business days later; then 3 business days later with an email, then weekly for a couple of weeks with a combination thereof; then monthly for a quarter; then the prospect ends up in some type of automated funnel whereas they begin to receive related content.
To this day, the majority of my clients have come from the 6th or 7th attempt to contact them. Absent a contact manager to keep me honest, I’d either stop at the 4th or depending on the nature of the relationship continue calling indefinitely. Think about it like this. Calling and expending mental energy attempting to reach the same people is like staying in an unfulfilling relationship because it's familiar. That person is taking up valuable space (time) that you’d be better-served spending (investing) with someone else. We have all fallen victim to this behavior at one time or another. Cut it out.
Let’s return to the example of the two salon owners, except let’s keep their behaviors consistent, but make them barbers instead. Both barbers are engaging their customers, but barbershop owner #2 is doing so with more frequency and in a much more personalized way. There is a qualifying process that barber #2 is engaged in on a much deeper level, and the more information you have about your customers, the more you will be able to identify who your buyer persona or ideal customer is. Neither owner is going to turn away paying customers, however, some are simply more profitable than others.
There is the customer that arrives 30 minutes late consistently, wants to engage in endless banter with nonpatrons waltzing into the shop selling their wares, and then haggles over the price or wants a discount on everything. Regardless of industry, you're in we all know how to identify this person when they walk in through the door, or after the initial appointment.
Then there is the customer that arrives 10 minutes early like clockwork, on the same day of the week, in between time commitments. They're easy to converse with but not overly boisterous or distracting. They leave very generous tips, and depart promptly to make their next time commitment. And has been responsible for at least 5 referrals who exhibit the same behaviors. We all know who this person is as well when we spot them.
Let’s fill in the blanks. Let’s say that the latter customer happens to be a business owner in the non-medical transportation industry, who frequents the same restaurants in the area with their fellow entrepreneurial friends, and is also part of a couple well known civic and professional organizations in the area. Well, if you’re barbershop owner #2, you know these things about your clients and some, because you're using a CRM to record this vital information and better understand your customers.
You take out ads in a local or regional paper that circulates in the areas that this customer frequents. You may jump online and identify the social networking groups that cater to civic and professional organizations this customer is a part of, and occasionally respond to posts in this group. You may ask this customer to visit your social media site and leave a compliment; meaning their network will become aware of your business.
Birds of a feather flock together, and you want more of those birds walking in through your doors. And the extent that you can create happy customers, and incentivize them to become brand advocates online and offline can pay huge dividends. Think about it. If the aforementioned approaches outlined in this article, result in an extra 3-5 more patrons per week or even per month, how would that impact your bottom line? Just for the sake of simplicity, the average salon owner may see an increase of $500 per week (5 x $100 average compensation)....but it doesn’t stop there, because as you attract more (A) prospects your compensation grows per patron as well. Now you're in a more informed position with more resources to cater more of your marketing toward attracting the clients you desire.
Using a CRM to collect, analyze, and use the information you acquire from your prospects and clients makes all of this happen. The aforementioned concepts and strategies can be implemented, as a fledgling business owner fresh off your first customer, and are being employed on a much more comprehensive level by corporations across the globe.
If you want your business to not only last, but grow in profitability and scale you will need to adopt tools and systems that allow you to be strategic about how you invest in your enterprise. Every bit of information you can acquire from your marketing, sales, client services, and online marketing efforts need to be collected and translated into more profitable uses of your time and talent. This in part, is how to graduate from being a self-employed venture (whereas your enterprise operates solely because of you) to building a business (an organism that begins to operate even when you’re sleep).
There is an endless procession of customer relationship managers available to choose from. Some are nothing more than glamorized address books. Some will allow you to record everything from your client's email address to the color of their toenail polish. Others are sales and marketing funnels dressed up as CRMs. There are some CRMs that require you to be a technical specialist, and some that are simple enough for a 5th grader to use it. And everything in between. I've employed several over the years and settled on a select few, given my affinity for information and aversion to spending minutes or hours troubleshooting IT issues.
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JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner
888.549.9689 / [email protected]
Posted at 05:31 PM in Featured Articles, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: buyer persona, client services, CRM, customer relationship manager, customer service, idea customer, prospecting strategies, referrals, relationships, sales strategies
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
REGISTER @ http://bit.ly/growfrom0prospectsto3000referrals
Trouble getting started;
You've ran out of people to talk to, and need to rebuild your sales funnel;
You’ve compiled this huge stack of business cards, and not sure how to follow up; or
Social media is not really your thing, specifically LinkedIn;
We know that being an entrepreneur can be lonely sometimes. Where do you go for camaraderie, support, or just the opportunity to engage a willing sounding board for ideas? We are committed to providing a space for stimulating conversation; live coaching from business experts; building social and business ties; coupled with opportunities to promote and learn about various business endeavors.
Learn about inexpensive (money is tight) strategies & tactics that work when initially launching your business. And other practical approaches to engage prospects and build relationships.
What you can expect to learn
How to Transition from Cold Market to Warm Market
How to Build Your Network from Zero to 3,000 prospects in less than 3 months
How to use LinkedIn to Build Your Prospecting Funnel
How to Network a Room & Set an Appointment Shortly Thereafter
How to Cold Call Effectively (It's Your Punishment for Not Asking for Referrals)
This entrepreneurial endeavor is being curated by actual entrepreneurs and business owners who as a collective bring over 20 years of experience across a diversity of markets, disciplines, and real-world experiences. They've done it and are continuing to build thriving businesses online and offline.
Learn More About > JuJuan Buford
We are inspired by a simple, yet empowering philosophy that change can occur when people are equipped with the tools to exercise agency in their lives. We provide a space for entrepreneurs to build, grow, and scale their enterprises: providing networking opportunities and ACTIONABLE CONTENT to use to build thriving enterprises.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Follow him online here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jujuan-buford-25997a2a
Follow JuJuan Buford on Twitter: @JSBUFORD
Learn, Ask Questions, Review Actionable Content at: https://www.facebook.com/catchjsbuford/
Posted at 08:35 AM in Next Opportunity Social, Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: actionable content, catchjsbuford, how to acquire referrals, how to cold call, increase your sales funnel, LinkedIn, next opportunity social, nextopportunitysocial, prospecting strategies
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Writer @JSBUFORD
I am a still in the tadpole stage when it comes to understand how to put on events. This episode of The Side Hustle Show was invaluable to me regarding event planning.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Follow him online here:
Twitter: @JSBUFORD
Posted at 08:17 AM in Prospecting & Sales Tips | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: business conference, culture, event planning, the side hustle show