Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Ok. Time the expunge my rabbit, nerd thoughts. Things my entrepreneurial spirit desires to see...
#1. It would be incredible to see cannabis dispensaries that look like a Microsoft or Apple stores. The market has shifted and the entrepreneurs in the industry have not. Professionals and older people want to feel comfortable, safe, responsible, and sophisticated about their cannabis consumption. The industry needs to grow and level up. It's not for the grimy any more.
#2. African Americans will no longer be a significant (influence and power) voting bloc very soon. Instead the African Community will become the 3rd or 4th largest ethnic group in the United States in the near future. And it's not if significant ground was made up socio-economically as the 2nd largest ethnic group for centuries.
Add to the aforementioned circumstances, it is projected that the African Diaspora in the United States will hit rock bottom in terms of network during our lifetimes. Any thinking person knows what that means. No agency.
It's time to hit the resent button and start looking for fertile ground in Africa. I'd like to see and participate in more podcasts, interviews, documentaries, and initiatives that focus on how become investors, contributors, and positive actors in the continent.
#3. I want to see think tanks and conferences that put entrepreneurs in the room together to solve access to healthcare, healthier food, transportation, and education regarding how to wield economic influence in politics in the city of Detroit.
#4. I want to see affordable, accessible spaces 24/7 for content creation.
#5. I want to see more initiatives that provide capital for micro-business owners to grow into employers (capital for the acquisition of and on-boarding of talent). It is the BIGGEST stumbling block for small business owners.
#6. I want to see more initiatives teaching the skilled trades to African American men specifically.
Until the next time my mind is inundated again.
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JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner

888.549.9689 / [email protected]