Want Better Results? Ask Better Questions. 50 Questions Successful Entrepreneurs Ask of Themselves
Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
50 Topics
- Top 5 mistakes business owners make.
- What is the difference between an llc, s-corp, c-corp?
- How can you pay your children and enjoy the tax write-off?
- What is a holding company, and why is one necessary?
- How do you keep your assets out of the public eye?
- How do you make your company investment ready?
- How do you create an investment company?
- How do you buy a business?
- What kind of loans are available for business owners?
- What are common business deductions all business owners need to know about?
- How do you secure government contracts? What’s the process?
- How to consistently set and achieve goals?
- How do you stay motivated?
- How do sleep habits impact performance?
- How do diet habits impact performance?
- How do you find good employees and retain good employees?
- What tools are most effective at finding good talent?
- How do you create effective social media content?
- Are blogs or podcasts more effective?
- How do you start an effective podcast?
- What social media tools or platforms are most effective?
- How do you manage time more effectively?
- How do you manage stress and turmoil more effectively?
- How do you define your target audience and why is it important?
- How do you create more consistent revenues in your business?
- How do you build multiple businesses at the same time?
- How do you buy cars, homes, and assets in your business name? Why should you do it?
- How do you create a winning elevator pitch or sales pitch?
- How do you invite people you don’t know to learn about your business?
- How do you invite people you know to learn about your business?
- Is debt bad?
- What is the difference between a copyright and a trademark?
- How do you write a business plan for private investors?
- How do you approach and secure support from private investors?
- What is affiliate marketing, and does it work?
- How do you establish and build business credit?
- What are the best investments for entrepreneurs and business owners?
- How do you know what kind of business would be right for you? What kind of business should you start?
- How is AI (artificial intelligence) going to change the game?
- Why is an independent contractor agreement necessary?
- How do I protect my business from shady partners or employees?
- What are the best ways to motivate my employees or staff?
- What kind of insurance policies do I need to start and protect my business?
- What are the best business banks to work with?
- How do you determine whether you need a business coach?
- When is it time to pivot and build a different business or quit (gasp!)?
- How do you create a social media ads campaign?
- How do you use Google for Business?
- How do you use SEO to improve your business profile?
- What are some of the best business books out there?
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JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner

888.549.9689 / [email protected]
Website - https://thebufordco.com/ |