Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
AN EXERCISE: 50 Topic Challenge
This is an exercise that transformed my approach to marketing in general and created outstanding results via social media for myself and many of the entrepreneurs I've worked with.
This exercise is particularly useful if you are struggling with the type of social media content you should be posting, or what should be the tenor of the content. Or understanding what kind of content will allow you to attract the right people (your ideal client) to your business.
What if you sat down and literally defined your buying avatar? In other words, people who want what you provide, you genuinely enjoy serving, and that is highly profitable for your business. Take out a pen and paper and describe the avatar by name. Give them a birthday, an occupation, socio-economic status, zip code, hobbies, shopping habits, travel destinations, favorite restaurants, clothing, spouse and children (or single), etc., etc.,
Be able to visualize this person in your mind as they are walking past you, sitting at a table adjacent to yours, engaging content in their phone, or at home.
Write down 50 topics, concerns, or interests they may have. YES, 50! Write down topics of great and minimal interest. Write down things that may be quirky or idiosyncratic or generally expected of the person you've visualized. Write down where and what they may be spending their monies and time on. Make this list as comprehensive as possible. It's very important.
Then take inventory of your list and identify the 10 topics and interests you have the greatest understanding, experience, expertise, or comfort with.
Moving forward post and share content with people on the chosen social media or online platforms that you have the greatest familiarity and comfort using. Allow these subjects and interests to determine what, how, and when you post.
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JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner
888.549.9689 / [email protected]