Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Here is a simplified formula I still employ to this day, when I’m attempting to assess the amount of work and resources I will need to deploy to predict and meet expectations. This formula is not ideal for all entrepreneurs and businesses however, it is highly useful for micro-business owners, sales entrepreneurs, and professionals.
Simplified Formula for Sales Success
- What is your income goal per month:
- What is your average compensation / NOI (net operating income) per sale:
- What is your closing percentage?
- Weeks per month (52 weeks/12 months) = 4.33
- What are the number of days per week you will work building your dream:
- Income Goal $8,333.33 / divided by,
- Average Compensation $300 / divided by,
- Closing Ration 30% / divided by,
- Weeks per month 4.33 / divided by,
- Chosen Number of Work Days 5
- = 4.5 presentations daily
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JuJuan Buford, Managing Partner
888.549.9689 / [email protected]