Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
Who is determining your priorities? Is it the television set? Social media? Do you find yourself unconsciously checking your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., etc., pages compulsively? Are your worries: bills, your boss, conflict-ridden relationships, haters, the latest batch of constantly negative news......?
When you lay your head down at night or awake first thing in the morning, what are your predominating thoughts? And who and what are determining them? Are you on auto-pilot, whereas you haven't taken time to ask yourself the aforementioned questions because the whirlwind of life is the software currently running your hardware?
Jim Rohn, The Set of the Sail.
What are your values? What are the principles that determine the setting of your sail? Have you defined where you intend to be a month, a year, five years from now, and ultimately what is your destination? Here's an even more telling question: How much time are you spending answering these questions versus succumbing to the whirlwind?
The answer for most of us might cause a sense of fright or consternation. But it doesn't have to. (Continue Reading 🏾🏾