Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Attention is like the sun. What you focus it on tends to grow and develop, becoming part of the ecosystem. And depending on the extent to which it's cultivated, it may even come to dominate the ecosystem.
I think the great part about what I do is that there's a scoreboard. At the end of every week, you know how you did. You know how well you prepared. You know whether you executed your game plan. There's a tangible score. - Tom Brady
Ok. Great. But how do you take inventory of your activities to determine what's working or not? How do you determine the score? And why is it so absolutely important that you do so?
If you can't measure it, you can't evaluate it. If you can't evaluate it, you can't identify whether you're on pace to achieve a desired outcome or not. Nor can you train to it, preventing you from being able to duplicate it. Which means you will be perpetually re-creating a job, rather than an organism that grows, regenerates, becoming stronger and more able with each passing day.
In other words, you'll never really scale beyond yourself. Imagine being the hamster in the wheel every day for the rest of your life. And that's no fun.
Scoreboards create focus and accountability as well. Accountability engenders ... (to continue reading visit 🏾 Creating Predictable Income as An Entrepreneur)