Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
Attention is like the sun. What you focus it on tends to grow and develop, becoming part of the ecosystem. And depending on the extent to which it's cultivated, it may even come to dominate the ecosystem.
I think the great part about what I do is that there's a scoreboard. At the end of every week, you know how you did. You know how well you prepared. You know whether you executed your game plan. There's a tangible score. - Tom Brady
Ok. Great. But how do you take inventory of your activities to determine what's working or not? How do you determine the score? And why is it so absolutely important that you do so?
If you can't measure it, you can't evaluate it. If you can't evaluate it, you can't identify whether you're on pace to achieve a desired outcome or not. Nor can you train to it, preventing you from being able to duplicate it. Which means you will be perpetually re-creating a job, rather than an organism that grows, regenerates, becoming stronger and more able with each passing day.
In other words, you'll never really scale beyond yourself. Imagine being the hamster in the wheel every day for the rest of your life. And that's no fun.
Scoreboards create focus and accountability as well. Accountability engenders responsibility, leading to a sense of ownership, followed by investment. Do you want an organization of individuals who clock into work solely for a check? Or do you want to build an organization of teammates that are invested in its continual development and growth? Begin and build with the end in mind.
WHAT RGAs (Revenue Generating Activities) SHOULD YOUR SCOREBOARD TRACK?
At the end of the day the scoreboard is determined by specific metrics that determine the integrity and predictability of your outcomes. Your outcomes are lagging indicators of these metrics or your revenue generating activities.
Ever end the day feeling accomplished after expending a lot of energy and accomplishing a grocery list of things, only to experience feelings of resignation and dissatisfaction later. There is a a feeling of emptiness and frustration that comes with knowing that despite your best efforts, youβre not any closer to your goals then when you opened your eyes in the morning.
This is why RGAs are important. These are the activities that determine the profitability of your business. Absent profits youβre unable to pay the bills or the talent. Meaning you cannot sustain much less scale your impact.
An example of what I'm getting at here is the record of team stats you can find following NBA games. Typically, there is a stat line where you can account for rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, turnovers, shooting percentage, etc., etc., These stats tell the story of the game, and any real student of the game can look at these metrics alone and determine with great accuracy what the outcome was without looking at the scoreboard.
What are the most important stats or RGAs that determine the health of your business? Every organization is different, however here are a couple of examples:
- Weekly sales calls
- Weekly social media impressions
- Weekly appointments or sales presentations given
- Weekly referrals acquired
- Weekly clients onboarded
- Weekly happy clients reported
- Weekly customer complaints
- Weekly client issues resolved
- Weekly interviews
- Monthly retention rates
- Weekly balance sheet (P&L statement)
- Weekly revenues
- Weekly accounts receivable
- Weekly accounts payable
The last four items on the list of suggestions are a function of all the previous RGAs. Profits are a result of the aforementioned RGAs. Remember, profits are a lagging indicators of whether your business is growing or receding. No RGAs, no profits.
Remember, to choose 3 -5 items that will make the biggest difference in the development of your enterprise. If everything is important, nothing is.
#entrepreneurshipisempowerment #smallbizarchitect #smallbizarchitecture #nextoppsocial
JuJuan Buford is a CEO, Co Founder serial entrepreneur, writer, and public speaker. JuJuan started his career in the banking and investment advisory industry, and transitioned into business ownership and is enjoying entrepreneurial success in multiple industries: business coaching, real estate wholesaling, direct selling, business technical assistance provider, ghost writing, and publishing.
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