Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
MYTH: You need to spend $1000s, incur tens of thousands if not 100s of thousands of dollars in debt to start up a successful business?
TRUTH: You can’t have it both ways. If not money, you may need to spend time reading, learning, acquiring new skills, and investing in yourself.
MYTH: You have to appeal to people’s vices, sell what’s trending, or appeal to people’s base selves to get the bag.
TRUTH: The bag is giving people more value than they expect 👉 resulting in happy clients 👉 followed by referrals 👉 who transition into admirers of your product or service 👉 who will promote your business, and if inspired enough, 👉 decide to join you. That’s the bag.
MYTH: You have to be good at sales, hunt and chase people, manipulate, outsmart, or outwit people to succeed.
TRUTH: Amateurs sale. Professionals sort. Be sociable. Go where there are people. Be genuinely interested in people. Listen intently. And when people reciprocate, educate them about your passion, who you want to serve, and the problems you want to solve.
MYTH: You can have it all. Riches will fall from the sky. And if these don’t happen for you, then there’s something wrong with you.
TRUTH: Attention is like the sun. What you shine it on grows. The inverse is true too. You will have what you prioritize. Entrepreneurship is about decisions, priorities, and consequences. And you can choose. You should choose what matters most to you, and only you.
It’s not just about how much you earn, but who you desire to serve, and how you earn it.
But can you have health, more time, better relationships, pursue your passions, and live a fulfilled life?
After all, what’s the point of escaping the rat race just to find yourself in a cage of your own making?
Are you just starting our entrepreneurial journey? Are you an established entrepreneur or high achieving professional looking to liberate yourself from a thankless grind? Do you want something to show for your work?
Or have you drawn the line in the sand, and you’re ready to work, get it out the dirt, and level up to the aspirations, commitments, and the future self and future that is waiting for?
Take a moment and learn why our business model is often referred to as the business of the 21rst century.
Winter is coming. The cost of rent, mortgages, chicken, and milk have been steadily increasing. Incomes have flat lined for over 40 years. Professionals and entrepreneurs alike are giving up their life’s energies hoping for maybe…. Maybe, I’ll save enough, experience just enough happy days to offset the rainy days. Only to face an uncomfortable truth for too many, that it won’t be enough.
However, you can grow it. You can build it. Cultivate the life you desire for yourself. Provided you’re planting seeds in fertile soil.
What is fertile soil?
Being able to build your business from a coffee shop, your living room, the airport, or the park.
Run your business from California, Florida, Texas, Michigan, the UK, Ghana, Georgia, France, Toronto, Arizona, or Oklahoma. Just book your flight, go, and grow from anywhere.
Want to work from 8am to noon, visit the museum, participate in your child’s reading program or field trip, or take your spouse out for brunch? Done.
Desire financial independence and time freedom? Leave a legacy as opposed to pictures and memories? It’s in the bag.
Who Do We Serve? Why You? A Real Company. Real People. Real Success
Real People, Real Stories. Learn what happened for Mike
We'd welcome the opportunity to connect with you, learn more about what matters most to you; share information; and explore how we may be able to help you achieve your goals.
I encourage you to visit my online calendar at I look forward to speaking with you, and I celebrate your success in advance!
JuJuan Buford, Business Development Officer
888.549.9689 / [email protected] |
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