Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
It's not what you think. As an entrepreneur it's easy to get caught up believing that social media posts will build your business, unless you're actually in a skilled trade being compensated for being photogenic, being an entertainer, or a social media marketing guru.
It's the 10:00pm to 2:00am marathon to complete a proposal. It's the countless hours consuming material to help you sharpen the saw, remain more informed, and better able to identify problems and solve them faster than your competitors. It's installing operating systems, building business credit, attracting and retaining the right talent, and choosing to answer the business call on a Friday evening at 7:00PM EST.
It's waking up and answering one simple question every day of your entrepreneurial life... How many people can I serve today? Your work is the chicken and the egg.
Social media is a branding tool. It's your billboard attracting the attention of someone who is sliding left with an appetite for what you may have inside. It's an important distinction.
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