The interview with Lanasia Angelina, personal life coach and Founder of Rise Coaching Agency, was a reminder that there are levels in everything. Including our self talk and self concept.
Level One: Negative self talk. Internalized concepts of self, planted in our psyche by others and reinforced by us. Examples. When you hear people constantly speaking ill of themselves, focusing on all that they are not. Blaming everyone, and the world for their station in life, dis-empowering themselves.
Level Two: You've identified the negative self talk, and you begin to counteract it. You begin to write and read affirmations out loud. You begin to identify the things you are good at, the powers you possess.
You begin to identify the small wins, understanding snowflakes turn to snowballs. You began to anticipate good things happening to and for you.
Level Three: This in my opinion is the hardest level. It's about the things not said. It's when you level up from positive expectations to believing you are worthy. You accept and believe you do deserve a life of satisfaction and abundance. You've done and you're doing the WORK.
Now, abundance is not simply something to anticipate, it's a lifestyle. It's when you become and actor, rather than the acted upon. You become the curator.
I'm sure there are levels in between. Just my not so random thoughts. What do you think about this?
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