I'm not one of those individuals that diminish the value of #educators as it relates to #entrepreneurship. Years ago one of my strongest advocates strongly encouraged me to become an educator on the secondary level, and then collegiate.
I do believe ardently that you cannot #lead people where you won't go, or #teach where you won't #grow. And especially when it comes to entrepreneurship I will always value the perspective of a tour guide over a travel agent. Still, educators instilled a healthy respect for academic and #intellectual exercise, and instilled a #confidence in me that I could achieve wherever I applied myself, when there were few around me who could see my tenacity and pinned up energy.
And I cannot lie. Very little gives me more energy than sharing #evaluatedexperience, and #actionablecontent that moves the ball forward for others. I love creating #successstories. I've resisted my calling for so long in many respects because I've always enjoyed #doingthings. But to deny your #strengths is to deny your #power. I'm going to start operating in my power way more often.
I'd like to share how. Let's connect > http://bit.ly/JuJuanBufordOfficial
#nextoppsocial #smallbusinessarchitect #buildtallerbuildings #catchjsbuford