Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
We at NextOppSocial (Rachele Wilson & JuJuan Buford) are proud to introduce to some and reacquaint with others Mr. Tony Stovall, one of Detroit’s iconic civic and business leaders.
Tony Stovall is co-owner of Hot Sam's Clothier, the oldest men's clothing store in downtown Detroit. After over 20 years of employment at Hot Sam’s Clothing, Tony Stovall purchased the family business in 1994 and has successfully stewarded the business along with co-owner Mr. Cliff Green; building an international brand and establishing it as an iconic presence in downtown Detroit.
Stovall’s commitment to Detroit is more than simply a motto or a branding quip, for despite the myriad challenges that have faced Detroit’s downtown business owners, Stovall refused to relocate to the burbs. Instead, he has remained steadfast in being a beacon and contributor to the culture and socioeconomic well being of the city.
Stovall is serves on the Board of Directors for the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, and has received recognition and accolates from an innumerable number of diverse organizations and institutions spanning from, and not limited to the City of Detroit, Wayne County, the NAACP, UNCF, the Nation of Islam, YMCA, 100 Black Men, just to name a few. He is recognized roundly for his mentorship, his spiritual tenacity, and his willingness to help others.
Like so many of our Detroit icons, leadership is more than simply a title, but it is the difference made in people’s lives. Join us with business and civic leader and difference maker Mr. Tony Stovall.
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JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
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