Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
It's a difficult time for the nation as we grapple with the loss of life and millions of households having their financial solvency eviscerated by COVID19. Add to the aforementioned, the constant around the clock chatter via social media and news outlets about the most deleterious impacts of the pandemic, and you have a recipe for daunting hopelessness, and the surrender of your best laid plans.
It’s easy to forget that just as there are those who are suffering during this storm, there are others who are regrouping, building, gathering momentum, and even thriving. And you can too. So, how do you pick up the pieces if you’ve found yourself in a space of resignation?
Now is a good time to ask yourself some tough questions, but the answers you find will give you energy. Take out a pen and pad, notebook, or even a napkin and without concentrating write down:
- The things that give you energy. The things that bring you enjoyment, satisfaction, and laughter. Or conversely, what are the things that make your blood boil, that raise your passions, and bring you to a frenetic state. Be honest with yourself.
- What are your values, and the things that matter most to you? What are the things that you're willing to sacrifice for, suffer for, and even die for? The operative word here again is, YOU.
- What are the things you’re really, really good at? The things you’ve received recognition for; whether it be trophies, certifications, verbal compliments, financial compensation…. Or what are the things you’ve spent 10,000 hours practicing at?
Why is this exercise important? Because it’s difficult to make good decisions when you’re depressed, desperate, or in flight or fight mode. Take inventory of your responses, and ask yourself what are things, themes, activities, or ideals that keep emerging?
Write down the top ten steps that would move you closer to achieving or bring you closer to your responses. Then identify, check off, circle, or write down the 5 things that you can take action on RIGHT NOW. Write down the low hanging fruit, and start. Small victories build into BIG confidence boosters. Snowflakes turn into snowballs. A little bit of momentum, makes even the most daunting tasks achievable.
If you want some additional insight, ideals, or food for thought regarding this exercise take a moment to view this conversation. > Next Opportunity Social - Goal Setting & Goal Executing
Be intentional about who you talk to, and who you allow to occupy space in your head. When the negative thoughts begin to creep in, call someone who you know is always on 100!. Have an enthusiastic, take no prisoners phone list of individuals who just won’t tolerate self pity, excuses from you, and who pour new life and belief into you. Identify those who want to see you win.
Dial down social media and the news, and dial up podcasts, your reading regimen, and curate a set of affirmations that you literally write and verbally speak in the morning, afternoon, and evening. In other words, make them your screensaver on your computer, phone, IPad, or tablet. They should be accessible constantly, and you should be viewing them as often as you drink or eat. What you think about you bring about.
Find a collective of entrepreneurial minds who are actively doing work, doing the dirt, securing contracts, actively prospecting, crushing their to-do lists, quietly kicking up dust, and allow their pathos to wash over you. Sharp iron sharpens iron. The very act of entrepreneurship requires that you swim against the tide. And when you’re trudging through some “stuff”, it’s always easier to run with a pack.
Find them on social media. Find them on a virtual meet up. Join a network marketing or direct selling organization with a service you believe in, low cost of admittance, and good leadership. I have a suggestion regarding the latter recommendation, but first listen to what Robert Kiyosaki has to say about this. > Robert Kiyosaki - Business of the 21rst Century
While you’re steadily producing, working, conducting strategy sessions, executing, expending all your energies, securing clients; don’t forget to feed the golden goose. Invest in yourself.
Jordan had Phil. The Williams sisters had their father Richard. Michael Jackson had voice coaches. Track athletes. The best CEOs. The most effective activists. Educators. Chefs. Your favorite yoga instructor. Accountability partners are part of the goal setting process.
Here’s the thing, you can only dump on your friends and peers so many times, before it becomes more difficult to reach them. This is real talk that I’m giving you. For active DOers, excuses and complaint manufacturers eventually start to sound like someone scratching a chalkboard just for the hell of it.
It’s strongly encouraged that seek out someone with the skill set to help you overcome the malaise you’re working through, or aggressively identify and dive into an accountability system. Be forewarned, implementing an accountability system takes time, and is skilled trade. My all time favorite is the Stephen Covey, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” series, coupled with the Franklin Planner system. The greatest investment you’ll ever make in life, is an investment in yourself.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
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