Posted by JuJuan Buford @JSBUFORD
"Why bother setting goals? New Years resolutions don't work? It's boring and tiresome. Goal setting is a waste of time." Any of these refrains sound familiar? No judgement. Because these refrains are right. Gasp.
Absent, a goal execution plan that is.
Jordan had Phil. The Williams sisters had their father Richard. Michael Jackson had voice coaches. Track athletes. The best CEOs. The most effective activists. Educators. Chefs. Your favorite yoga instructor. Accountability partners are part of the goal setting process.
In this episode of Next Opportunity Social we address why is goal setting important; especially for entrepreneurs? Why is the process met with such trepidation, and how do you meet this important task with confidence systemically. What are some recommended systems, books, or content to help with the goal setting process?
Being an entrepreneur can be challenging and even lonely at times. Entrepreneurs see things first, often living and building on the fringes. Where do you go for for stimulating conversation; live coaching from business experts; commiserate with fellow business owners; coupled with opportunities to promote and learn about the triumphs and challenges of others.
Next Opportunity Social is committed to promoting entrepreneurs, events, and initiatives highlighting the deep well of talent and tenacity of Detroit Metropolitan business owners. We are dedicated to proving content that motivates, informs, and most importantly, showcases "Actionable Business Content."
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
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Twitter: @JSBUFORD