Greetings Ms. XXXX. XXXX,
What follows is an abbreviated, non-grammatically correct recap of our meeting last week......
In terms of the information I'm sending to you, understand it may not all be for you, therefore simply eat the fruit, and spit out the seed.
1. a common mistake we all make in the beginning, is that we are thinking about the sale when we first meet someone. when we should be focusing on making a new friend, learning what is most important to them, and setting an appointment. remember, the purpose of a phone call is to set an appointment. one of the best ways to disarm people, especially if you're meeting them eyeball to eyeball for the first time, is to ask questions that indicate a genuine desire to solve their problems. and ease into ask questions that play to your strengths and abilities, to insure you're able to be of assistance.
picture yourself being a doctor or detective, rather than a gunslinger. you're not getting a sale. your proving yourself safe and worthy of helping them level up. you're a problem solver. some of the questions i might ask again are......
1. is it fair to say that you'd prefer to recommend your patients to professionals who have at least 15 years of medical experience?
2. is it important to you that the professionals not only be able to manage a patients ADLs, keeping the patient company (glorified babysitter), but also be aware of or be able to identify medical conditions that may impact their care?
3. what are some of the greatest difficulties or challenges you experience choosing a home or adult care provider?
4. what is most important to you as a (social worker, health clinic administrator, an attorney that specializes in trauma cases); identify people who are swimming in the same waters your operating in, and make their lives easier.
5. let's chat further about rounding out your qualifying process.
2. It's time to invest in a good contact manager. However, here's the exciting thing, You just did! Your
smallbiz membership includes a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager). Using this tool will automatically separate you from 99% of your competition. Remember, people do business with those whom they like know and trust. Find other ways to communicate with clients & PROSPECTS in ways that show you are an invaluable resources, not just another sales person. How do you use a good contact manager.
3. Mailers are good when you have the budget for them. but keep in mind only 2% of mail is actually opened and consumed. and that doesn't mean, your
TARGET MARKET OR BUYER PERSONA, OR IDEA CLIENT is doing the opening. it works if you can afford to send mail out in volume.... i'm talking at minimum 5000 and ideally 10,000 pieces of mail to get the results you desire. i know professionals who take $500 of consistent marketing investment on social media and produce what others are paying $20,000 in radio ads, flyers, 1am tv spots.
let's follow up regarding curating a good social media approach that will separate you from your competition. i'm no social media guru, but i average about 10 scheduled qualifying appointments per week from my activity on linkedin. i don't receive much in the way of vanity stats: likes and thumbs up, and emoji symbols.
but i do set appointments.
4. prospecting, sales, acquiring referrals is SKILLED TRADE. sales professionals will toil for years to properly learn it. and even if you don't desire to become effective at sales and client services (this is your BRANDING), you need to understand how sales and client services intersect, and be able to identify the talent later on as you scale that understand it as well..... and train, train, train, TRAIN TO IT. if you can't train it, measure it, learn from it, and evolve accordingly...... well, look at blockbuster, radioshack, these restaurants that pop up today and are gone tomorrow.
5. You can't accomplish anything truly significant without people. Do sapiens/humans behave badly? all day everyday. but there are good people out there. make these documents your best friend, and you'll be better able to protect yourself from bad behavior, and also dissuade bad behavior, and also attract good people. game recognizes game. people treat business owners who they know have their stuff together, differently than everyone else.
Call your
law firm as soon as you receive the message regarding your SmallBiz Membership being activated, and ask them a million questions about these documents. The provision of these documents, and the ability to use them, and understand them is baked into the cake. it's part of your membership.
6. as entrepreneurs we work harder than everyone else. but we also benefit more than everyone else. as we should, because we're willing to learn what others won't learn, do what others won't do, we don't run away from inconvenience or pain, we run through these things. our GOALS are BIGGER than our excuses. don't apologize for earning more and being more prosperous than others. this is about meritocracy, not equality. it's about fairness, sacrifice, and rewards. GET YOURS. if people aren't willing to make the climb, climb with those who are.
so here comes the tough love. THIS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU, BUT LEARN FROM THIS. this is an excerpt of a message i just shared with some team members recently minus expletives:
You can spend 20 hours plus a week on social media, trying to get noticed, and be popular? Watch television or jack off time at a club, or bar, or restaurant…. But you can’t give your business 5-10 hours a week? You can’t commit to the thing you said you’d do, to free yourself from indentured servitude?
take 2 hours a day (ideally in the morning), to get you, your head, mind, and spirit right. dedicate some time to do the following things.
1. read a book that helps to sharpen you, provide you with SKILLS, and knowledge. save the entertainment for later.
2. take a walk, do some crunches, invest in some light dumbells, leg lifts, squats.... it doesn't matter in the beginning. physical exercise wakes you up, gets you amped, and gives you energy, eventually after the pain.
no emails. no phone calls. no text messages. no answering requests from other people, not unless the house is burning down. this is time that you give to YOU. remember, you deserve this.
as an entrepreneur, we give so much to others. those of us who are in the game to help others. you have to make sure YOU are putting something back in YOU.
Thank You,
JuJuan Buford, Business Development Officer

607 Shelby St. | Suite 725 | Detroit, Mi. 48126
248.560.7564 / [email protected] |
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JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of JSB Business Solutions Group, business development professional, and writer dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
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