Strategic business insights, prospecting and sales tips, growth ideas, and services to help entrepreneurs make better decisions. Financial, Marketing, Leadership, Legal Insights.
Entrepreneurship can be frightening.... in the beginning. However, the more you do, you learn, you practice, and refine. You begin to understand that success is an inside job. Then it get's fun.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Writer @JSBUFORD
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Writer @JSBUFORD
Championship teams start the season with winning the Super Bowl as a goal, not finishing at just above .500. The goal is to finish first, mark the milestones, improve game by game, make adjustments, til they achieve the goal. So must we all be in our relationships, personal lives, our businesses, everything. After all who wants to be in just an ok relationship or just have ok friends or a just ok anything.
Just ok, means you gave or you're giving up.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Writer @JSBUFORD
You don't control much of what transpires in life. Success and failure are equally inclined to be courted by any and everyone. They are serial monogamous. In business, your audience determines your success. Let's not get romantic here. If you don't have clients, you don't have a business. It's a hobby. And sometimes, success and failure personally are greatly influenced by others as well.
Here's the thing.
You can control where you plant yourself. You can change audiences. You can choose your habits. Whether to be on time or not. Whether to smile or not. Whether to set goals or not. Whether to invest in improving your skills or not. Whether to read that book or books or not. Whether to choose to be a learner or not. Whether to build emotional endurance or not. To serve or not. Whether to go vegetarian or not.
Once these habits begin to coalesce. Once they become part of your unconscious, autonomous programming. They become your itinerary. Where does your itinerary say you're going?
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Do you want better results? Better relationships. More success. More engagement. More reach, significance, impact, even increased popularity (no judgement here... we all want to be liked more), more rewarding outcomes.
Then be able to respond to the one question everyone is thinking about consciously and or subconsciously when you meet them.
Why is my life better because I met you?
A person that shows up is notable. A person that shows up consistently early is predictable and ready. That person's predictability makes them reliable. Their reliability makes them trustworthy. And when your're considered trustworthy you become invaluable. And you begin to attract and attract the attention of other invaluable people.
January 23, 2018
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
Hard Work + Luck doesn't equal success. Not having a good work ethic is a nonstarter. However, for many entrepreneurs it takes a moment for the real formula to come into view.
Hard Work + Preparation + Strategy = Success.
January 20, 2018
What are you taking aim at today?
How are you keeping score?
What does your scoreboard look like?
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
You're not going to win everyday. Nor every week.
Sometimes the haters, losers, detractors, small minded people in general are going to get some. Isn't it amazing how much energy they seem to have? It's like if they poured 50% of their useless selves into something supremely productive, imagine how much better the world would be.
They're going to get some.
However, you have to keep working. Keep grinding. Keep bringing value. Keep practicing. Keep sharpening the saw. Even when you don't feel like it. Even when the last thing you want to be doing is speaking to another person, making one more dial, urgently crushing your RGAs in 3 hour increments.... even when you don't have it. And you know you don't have it.
Because, when the fatigue sets in and seems nothing is going your way. That's when the muscle you’ve built, the skills you’ve cultivated, the spiritual work you've done on yourself kicks in reflexively. You keep moving anyway. You smile anyway. You work anyway. And despite that the week may have sucked big time. The damn breaks and the universe begins to conspire in your favor in a major way. You still win Friday.
#itisourdutytowin #liveuntilyoudie
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
You woke up today. And for the next 8, perhaps 18 hours, the world is going to begin to make demands of you. Dictate to you. Influence you: social media, the constant negative news, the radio, etc., etc....and people. People who are going to attempt to take your measure. Pour into you. Or pour out of you. Incessant chaos and noise (cognitive dissonance) will be upon you.
How much of the next 24 hours / 1,440 minutes are you going to spend meditating on and critically thinking (taking agency over what happens) about your life? What happens next? Out of 1,440? 1 minute, 60, 120? How much time are you going to spend critically thinking about and answering the following question?
What are the top 3 things I can accomplish today to create a masterpiece? In your business? In your personal life? In your mission? In your legend?
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
Did you Win the day yesterday? How do you know? Do you know whether you'll win today?
Do you have a scoreboard or are you just basing everything on how you feel? Feelings are like the wind. The wind blows here and it blows there. It practices complete unabashed infidelity to everything.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
You can become too comfortable with pain. It can become too familiar. Your relationship with it too friendly. You begin speaking the same, finishing each others sentences. And just like with any friend whom you've shared heartfelt, memorable moments with, after a period of absence, you start to miss it. Even when you know, pain isn't good for you, you miss the intimacy, the knowing.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
If you're passionate about it, it's not work. Or it doesn't feel like work.
Or if you're passionate about the thing you do, you'll never work a day in your life.
Ask Venus or Serena Williams whether they had to work at perfecting their form, and reflecting on strategy.
Ask Beyoncé Giselle Knowles from Houston, Texas whether her parents had to work hard, she had to work, exceptionally hard to reach the heights she's reached.
Ask Jennifer Lopez how hard she had to work from her days on In Living Color.
Ask Denzel Washington how easy and fun it was to work in a barbershop before his success, and the trail of difficulties along the way.
Ask Chris Rock a.k.a "Pookie" about how easy it was for him.
Ask Halle Berry how hard it was to transcend playing the most incredible absurd, yet beautiful crackhead roles you'll ever see.
Ask Sean Combs.
Dr. Mae C. Jemison.
Orpah Winfrey.
President Barack Obama.
Michael Jordan.
Kenneth Chenault
Here's the thing. I'm sure the aforementioned derive great pleasure and satisfaction from their professions. However, the primary reason we know their names is because they worked damn hard for it. It is not enough to desire success and envision yourself enjoying the spoils of your energies spent, but you also have to be willing to see yourself embracing the work, the grind, the sore knuckles, and sinister long nights.
The truth of the matter is if I or you or anyone else simply did the things they were simply passionate about or felt like doing, a lot more of us would end up unemployed....and not by choice.
It is a necessity to ENJOY WHAT YOU DO. However, kill that I'm just going to wait around until I can do what I enjoy. Usually, it's just an excuse for not being willing to put on some overalls and get to work.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
you're going to want to quit.don't.
people are going to what.
your eyes will get heavy.shine a bright light on your goals.
your hands may hurt.remember how much more the expense of failure will hurt.
your head will feel heavy.straighten up and pull your shoulders back.
your feet may ache and your shoes grow old with did president obama's car.
people will throw bricks at you.good. you needed a couple more to finish your house.
detractors will yelp.quicken the pace. they won't keep up.
you'll feel like you're loco sometimes.that's just your motivation talking.
your heart may get broken.and like a once broken tibia, you'll mend stronger.
some may scowl you think your special.respond no, i'm legendary.
they'll question who are you to lead?respond, i'm god's creation, who am i not too.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
I spent so many years shunning leadership... positional leadership specifically. I lacked the desire to be rewarded for what I believed. So often I watched bad actors bound towards, scratch and claw to be recognized as leaders. And often it's all about the accouterments for them.
I believe it is one of the primary reasons why many underachieve or fail to push themselves to a higher place. However, thankfully, I shook off those self imposed chains. For those who are veraciously committed to daily getting 1% better, 1% percent more valuable, 1% more able to empower others.....
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
Eating a salad is a healthy accomplishment. Does eating 1 salad, 1 time mean your diet is successful? No. It’s eating salads in succession, every day, coupled with less sweets and less meat, more water, more fruits and veges not once, twice, or thrice, but daily. It’s the accumulation of dietary accomplishments that equate to success. The practice of accomplishments.
Success is not one act. It is a state of action, being, becoming, achieving. The practice of putting 1 foot in front the other repeatedly. A series of accomplishments.
Successful Marriage = keep dating.
Successful Business = keep learning, inviting, dialing
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
“Average leaders have quotes.
Good leaders have a plan.
Exceptional leaders have a system.”
*Urban Meyer*
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
It took me a while. I almost lost it, at times I’ll admit I even doubted. Thank you EB.ROB. Where your treasure is, where your LEGEND is, so will your heart be
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Author @JSBUFORD
I would like to invite you to participate in an upcoming live event to learn more about my company, and a SmallBiz Initiative sponsored by LegalShield & GoSmallBiz. During the live video webcast, several of my business partners, including NFL Hall of Famer Fran Tarkenton and former Senior Vice President at JPMorgan Chase Mr. James Rosseau (among others) will be sharing what we do, how we do it, and the types of people and businesses we help with our services.
In addition, you’ll also learn more about an Unprecedented Opportunity to Service an Underserved Small Business Market, Grow Your Network, & Earning Power—and, more specifically, how it can impact your income, career, and future.
Have you been looking for an investment of scale to invest your logistics, sales, team building, and business experience?
Are you looking for opportunities to build and or augment your business and leadership acumen?
Are you passionate about small business development?
Are you exploring options that include adding residual revenues to your income and investment portfolio?
This event is a unique, interactive way to learn more about this opportunity and really see what we’re all about. Simply visit to learn more and register for the event.
I hope you’ll join us!
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
A Positive Note I shared with someone, that is true for almost everyone. If you're reading this you're more than likely inclined to be a positive person, and a seeker of positive, progressive information, insight, etc. You're more than likely plugged into other positive people, you read, you're looking to make demonstrable progress in 2018.
If the aforementioned is true about you, it also means you have thicker skin than last year. You're less afraid. You're more informed. And beginning to set goals. You're beginning the process of curating the best you, you can be.
It's 2018! It's exciting isn't it?!
Yaw Ready?!
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Writer @JSBUFORD
A moment of unbridled transparency. I've read and heard it said by the elite in any number of endeavors that the way you start your day determines whether you win your day. What do I mean. One of my BHAGS (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) is to build the most dominant B2B direct selling organization in North America. I typically start my day with:
1) prayer and meditation
2) a cup of water
3) writing down my annual bhags and my monthly bhags
4) writing down the RGAs (revenue generating activities) that i've committed to executing
5) writing down the scoreboard and review the scoreboard at the end of most days.
6) brief exercise session
7) review and read daily affirmations out loud.
8) consume an hour of smallbiz training courses and content .
Win enough days, you win the week. Win enough weeks, you win the month. Win enough months, you win the year........then the years. What does your morning routine say about your goals? Are you prepared daily to win the day?
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.
Posted by JuJuan Buford, Entrepreneur & Writer @JSBUFORD
What is the key to building a wildly successful business?
I was reminded recently of a philosophy often articulated by Bob Burg (author of Endless Referrals).
Add more value than you receive in compensation.
JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.