Obama's Approval Ratings and the Angry White Voter (Again)
New America Media, News Report, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Posted: Oct 30, 2010
On the eve of one of the most crucial midterm elections in decades, a CBS poll again spells out what many have known from virtually the moment Barack Obama announced his run for president in 2007. A crushing majority of African Americans and white voters see Obama in radically different terms. The poll found that blacks are two-and-a-half times more likely than whites to give Obama a high approval rating. Conversely, whites are eight times more likely than blacks to disapprove of how the president is doing his job.
Blacks’ support is so rock-solid that they overwhelmingly give Obama an A for his handling of the economy. This despite near-record poverty numbers, sky-high foreclosure and unemployment rates, and the virtual freezing out of blacks from many of the major business and construction projects bankrolled by Obama’s stimulus program. In an almost surreal reversal of how blacks—who are suffering more during this recession—see the situation, a majority of whites give Obama a failing grade for his handling of the economy and express far more pessimism about the economic future than African Americans do. Even more troubling, if Obama’s overwhelming support among blacks was taken out of the political equation, his overall approval rating—hovering around 50 percent—would plummet.
The indifference, ambiguity and outright hostility being expressed by many whites toward the Obama administration is not exclusive to Republicans or independents. White Democrats express antipathy as well. This was evident in the Democratic primaries. Hillary Clinton consistently (and, in some states, handily) beat Obama among white Democrats. During
So much for a post-racial America. However, what is particularly alarming is the extent to which African Americans have become enamored with the complexion of Obama rather than the extent that his Presidency has improved their standard of living.
Some may spout, Obama is the POTUS not of Black America. True enough. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Or at least our screaming children should.