Let's be real. Michigan has the highest density of dumbasses masquerading as politicians in the United States of America. Regardless of political party. If you need any more evidence.... look around you.
Michigan's Demcratic leadership (almost without exception) are some of the weakest, irrationably stupid, backwards collection of politicians ever. This is the same party that rebuked our current POTUS on the campaign trail, and refuses to stand for anything, anything. These knuckleheads have given voters no reason to vote for them.
However, if the Republicans win Detroit will be reduced to a real life plantation, replete of the pig farms. And I have news for you Bob Stabnowski, Ingrid Stein, and the rest of suburbia. Your neighborhoods will be reduced to pig farms.
This is not the time to make decisions based on provincial prejudices and pig farm ignorance. Unless you like the idea of any sort of safety net being removed next time their is an economic down turn, really love it when insurance companies deny claims to those deserved of them when a loved one is injured, or you believe health insurance coverage is actually going to get less expensive by itself.
Then hey, you get what you vote for. And you and our children will be paying the rest of our lives.